Robert Murray, SJ (draft) Charter
Response comments on Lord of the Rings.
4 November 1954
Dear Rob:
has been Nice of you to write so long in between, I fear, so many hardships. We respond immediately because I feel grateful and because only the letters that I get this treatment response, and especially also because your package arrived when he had finished all my tasks: the management of all minutes and resolutions a long and controversial meeting of the College since yesterday (where there was no ill will and only 24 people with the usual human absurdity. I felt more like an observer at a meeting of Hobbits notable with the task of giving advice to the Mayor on precedence and the selection of dishes that would be served at a banquet of the Shire). I have free half-hour before going downhill to a meeting to be held in the secretariat of the College. That's the kind of sentence I write of course ....
No, 'Smeagol', of course, was not fully considered at first, but I think the character was implicit, and only needed attention. As for Gandalf, of course, is not joining PH [1] to voice any criticism . I myself could be much more destructive. I guess there are always defects in any work of art long range, especially in the literature that are based on a material before it is given new breath: as Homer, Beowulf, Virgil, or Greek or Shakespearean tragedy! In that category, as no competitor category, is situated The Lord of the Rings, but only is based on the author's own first material. I think the way it presents the return of Gandalf is a defect, and another critic, as fascinated as you, used, oddly, the same expression: "deception." That is partly a consequence of the ever-present compulsions of narrative technique. Must return at that point, and explanations of their survival down explicitly should be there, but the story is urgent and can not wait to give rise to elaborate exhibitions involving the entire series' mythology. " Still, something is blocked, but I have cut considerably so G account of himself. Perhaps could have further clarified later observations of Volume II (and Vol III), which refer to Gandalf or are made by him, but deliberately reduced all references to matters of great importance to mere suggestions, more noticeable for attentive, or kept as symbolic forms without explanation. So God and the gods 'angelic', the Lords or the Powers of the West, just peek in passages like the conversation between Gandalf to Frodo, "something more was at stake from behind over the designs of the creator of the Ring" ; or Faramir Númenórean grace at dinner.
Gandalf "died" and became really, because it seems to me the only real trick: to represent something that can be called "death" as if nothing was altered. "I am G. the White has returned from the dead. "probably should have told Wormtongue:" I have not gone through the death ( not "fire and flood") to exchange words with a crooked servant. " And so on. I could say more, but this would be to clarify (perhaps tedious) mythological ideas I have in mind, not havoc with the fact I fear that the return Gandalf, as it is presented in this book, is a "defect, a defect that he was aware, perhaps not enough to correct it worked. G. But, of course, is not a human being (Man or Hobbit). There is, of course, modern names needed to say what it was. I venture to say that was an "angel" incarnate strictly a Κγγελος : [2] is, along with the other Istari, wizards , "those who know" an emissary from the Lords of the West, sent to Middle Earth, when the great crisis caused by Sauron peeked over the horizon. By 'incarnate' I mean they were endowed with physical bodies capable of pain and fatigue, that their spirits fear and physical suffering "death", though, with the support of an angelic spirit, were able to withstand a long time and only slowly suffered exhaustion from worry and work.
Whyadopted this form is linked to the "mythology" of the Powers 'angelic' in the world of this fable. At this point in the fabulous history the purpose was precisely limit and hinder their exhibition of "power" in the physical plane, and therefore make essentially that for which they were sent: to prepare, advise, instruct, encourage the hearts and minds of those threatened by Sauron, to resist it with its own forces, and not just do it instead. Thus, expressed as wise "elders." But this "mythology" all powers "angelic" related to this world were capable of multiple degrees of error and failure between the absolute Satanic rebellion and evil of Morgoth and Sauron satellite, and the failure of some other higher power or " gods. " The "wizards" were not exempt from this, in truth, as embodied beings, were more likely to stray or wander. Gandalf alone fully passes the tests, in moral terms at least (trial mistakes.) Because his condition was for him a sacrifice perish on the Bridge in defense of his companions, perhaps that for a mortal man or a hobbit, as he had a much greater inner power than theirs, but also more it was devotedly humiliated under 'Rules' as far as he knew at the time, was the only person who could lead the resistance against Sauron with success, and all his mission was futile. Control returned to the Authority setting out the rules and left the personal hopes of victory.
That, I would say, is what the Authority wanted to neutralize Sauron. The "wise men", as such, had failed, or, if you like: the crisis had become too serious and was in need of increased power. So Gandalf sacrificed himself, was accepted, was strengthened and returned. "Yes, that was the name. I was Gandalf. "Of course, your personality and idiosyncrasies remain the same, but both his wisdom and his power is much greater. When he speaks he commands attention; Gandalf the old man could not have treated the same way with Theoden and Saruman. Still has the obligation to conceal its power and teach rather than forcing or dominating wills, but where the physical powers of the Enemy are too much for the goodwill of the opponents to be effective, can in an emergency, act as an "angel "no more violently than the release of Peter from prison. Rarely do, rather operating through others, but in one or two cases in the War (Vol. III) reveals a sudden power: twice rescues Faramir. Only he is to ban the Lord of Nazgul to Minas Tirith when the City has been razed and destroyed doors, but so powerful is the trail of human endurance that he has encouraged and organized, which, in fact, there is no war at all: it passes to other mortal hands. In the end, when departing forever, is summarized as himself: "I was the enemy of Sauron." He might have added: "To that end I was sent to Middle Earth." But the end thus would have revealed more than before. He was sent by a mere prudent plan angelic Valar or governors, but the Authority has taken charge of that plan and has expanded upon its failure. "Naked I was sent back for a short time until my task was fulfilled. "" Sent by whom and from where? Not because of the "gods", which responds only to the world made flesh and his time as he came 'out of thought and time. " Naked, alas, it is not clear. It meant literally "without clothes as a child" (not disembodied), and therefore ready to receive the white garb of the highest. Galadriel's power is not divine, and healing in Lórien not mean more than physical healing and renewal.
But if it is "deception" treat "death" as if it did not constitute any difference embodiment should not be ignored. Perhaps the power of Gandalf can accrue (ie, in the forms of this fable, in sanctity), but if it embodied must suffer the care and anxiety, and the needs of the flesh. Simply (if not less) certainties and freedoms that a theologian, for example. Either way, none of my characters 'angelic' is represented as fully know the future or, indeed, do not know at all when they are involved other wills. Hence his constant temptation to do or try to make what for them is wrong (and is disastrous) children by force the will power, by venerable real fear if not for fear or physical subjection. But the nature of knowledge among men in the history of the world and their participation in their making (they embody or make "real")-from there got the little knowledge of the future were "part of the mythology general. This would represent at least the intervention of the Elves and Men in that story did not correspond at all and was reserved: hence they are called the Sons of God and the gods so loved (or hated) especially because she had a relationship with the Creator as to his own, albeit in different height. This is the mythological-theological situation in this moment of history, which has been explained, but not yet published.
Men have "fallen", legends contained in any form of alleged ancient history of our world must accept that individual, "but the people of the West, the good side, they are Reformed. That is, are the descendants of men who tried to repent and marched westward to escape the domain of Primordial Dark Lord and his false worship, and, unlike Tito, renewed (and expanded) their knowledge of the truth and the nature of the World. Thus, escaped the 'religion' Pagano clockwise to a pure monotheistic world, where all things and beings and powers that would seem venerable were not revered, even the gods (the Valar), they were just creatures of the One. And he was immensely remote.
The High Elves were exiled from the Blessed Realm of the Gods (after his own Elvish fall particular) and had no "religion (or religious practices, rather), they had been in the hands of the gods, praise and worship Eru 'the One', Ilúvatar the Father of All on the Mount of Aman.
The highest class of Men, Three Houses, who helped the elves in the Primordial War against the Dark Lord, they were rewarded with the gift of the Land of the Star or Westernesse (= Númenor), which was further west land than any other mortal and almost within sight of Elvenhome (Eldamar) on the shores of the Blessed Realm. They became the Númenóreans, the Kings of Men. They were given a triple life extension, but not the "immortality" Elvish (which is not eternal, but is measured according to the length of time on Earth), because under the terms of this mythology, "mortality" or a brief life extension, and the "immortality", or indefinite life span, were part of what we might call the biological and spiritual nature of God's Children, Men and Elves (the firstborn), respectively, no could be altered by anyone (even for a power or god), and the only not altered either, except perhaps for one of those rare exceptions to all rules and regulations which seem to be in the history of the universe and show the Finger of God as the only agent Will and completely free. [3]
Thus began as monotheistic Númenóreans a great new well, but as the Jews (only more pronounced) with a single physical center of "veneration": the summit of Mount Meneltarma, the ' Pillar of Heaven "-literally, because not conceive of heaven as a divine residence," in the center of Númenor, but did not count as building or temple, as all these things had negative associations. But "fell" again because of a ban, so inevitable. They were forbidden to sail west beyond their own land because they were not allowed to be or try to be 'immortal', and in this myth the Blessed Realm is represented by a concrete physical existence as a real-world region, which might have come by boat, they were great seafarers. While they were obedient, the people frequently visiting the Blessed Realm, so that their knowledge and their art reached dimensions almost Elvish.
But the proximity of the Blessed Realm, the long extension to their lives conceived as reward and increased enjoyment of his life were due to begin to yearn for the "immortality." Did not break the ban, but reluctantly agreed. And, forced to the east, became charity with which they accompanied their appearances on the shores of Middle-earth in pride, desire for power and wealth. Thus came into conflict with Sauron, the Dark Lord Lieutenant Primordial, which had fallen on evil and therefore claimed the kingdom as the divine among men of Middle-earth. Was the question of the reign Ar-Pharazôn, the thirteenth [4] and most powerful King of Númenor, which fundamentally challenged. His army, which made port Umbar was so huge and so terrible and resplendent Númenóreans in it, that Sauron's servants had left him.
So Sauron turned to cunning. Submitted and was taken to Númenor as a prisoner, held hostage. But it was, of course, a person is "divine" (in terms of this mythology: a junior member of the race of the Valar), and far too powerful to be controlled in this way. Gradually Ar-Pharazôn had under their own control and corrupt in many Númenóreans occasion, they had destroyed the concept of Eru, now represented as a mere invention of the Valar or Lords of the West (a fictitious penalty which appealed if anyone questioned his opinions), and replaced their satanic cult religion with a vast temple where they worship the dispossessed and more of the Valar (the rebel Dark Lord of the First Age). [5] Finally induces Ar-Pharazôn, frightened by the approach of old age, to organize the largest armed and carry the war to the Blessed Realm and take into their own hands the "immortality." [6]
The Valar, in fact, had no real answer to this monstrous rebellion, as the Sons of God, ultimately, not under its jurisdiction, were not allowed to destroy or repress them by some show "divine" the powers they had about the physical world. They appealed to God, and there was a catastrophic 'change of plan. " At the time of Ar-Pharazôn set foot on the forbidden coast, opened a crack: Númenor collapsed and was completely destroyed, the army was swallowed and the Blessed Realm was always set apart for the circles of the physical world. In future could navigate around the world without ever meeting.
Thus ended Númenor-Atlantis and all its glory. But in a kind of similar situation to that of Noah, the small group of the People in Númenor, who had refused to join the rebellion (although many of them had been slaughtered in the Temple by the sauronianos) Nine escaped in boats (Vol. 1.502, II, 275) under the leadership of Elendil (= Ælfwine, Friend of the Elves) and his sons Isildur and Anárion and established a kind of memory Númenor reduced in Exile in coasts of Middle-earth, inheriting the hatred of Sauron, the friendship of Elves, knowledge of the true God, and (less happily) the desire for longevity, the practice of embalming and the construction of magnificent tombs, their only objects "established" almost. But the site "devoted" to God and the Mountain was gone, and there was no real substitute. Furthermore, when the 'Kings' came to an end, there was no equivalent to a "priesthood", as both were identical, as Númenórean ideas. So even though God (Eru) was the foundation of good [7] philosophy Númenórean and a basic fact for his conception of history, at the time of the War of the Ring had no place where it is venerated set. And that kind of negative truth was characteristic of the West and the whole area under the influence Númenórean: denial of worship of all "creation", and, above all, a "Dark Lord" or Satanic demon, Sauron or other, that was about as far as they arrived. They had (I imagine) prayers of petition to God, but preserved a vestige of thanksgiving. (Those who were under specific Elvish influence the angelic powers invoked for help against a hazard immediately or fear of an evil enemy.) [8] later seems there was a "set" in Mindolluin the King only had access, which previously had offered thanksgiving and praise on behalf of his people, but had been forgotten. Aragorn came back into it and found an offshoot of the White Tree and replanted in the Patio de la Fuente. Presumably, with the resurgence of the lineage of kings, priests (of which Luthien, the Elf-Maiden blessed, was ancestor) the worship of God and His Name be renewed (Or title) would be heard more often. However, there would temple dedicated to the True God for the duration of the influence Númenórean.
But they were still living in the frontier myth, or rather, this story shows how the "myth" becomes history or the Dominion of Men, because, of course, the Shadow will raise again sense (as clearly predicted by Gandalf), but never again will play an evil demon as a physical enemy (unless they emerge demands before the big Final), addressed to the men and all the complications of the half-fiend and half-good , the twilight of the doubt from one side to another, the situations that most pleased him (and you can see them emerge in the War of the Ring, whose sides are not as clearly divided as some critics have argued) they shall be and are our most difficult destination. But if people imagine such a mythical status, which is evil incarnate and a large extent on the physical resistance to it is a fundamental act of loyalty to God, I believe that "good people" would be in the state: focused on the negative, resistance to false, while the 'truth' stay more in the historical and philosophical than religious.
But "wizards" are not in any way or degree "somber." Not mine. I am in the difficulty of finding English names for mythical creatures with other names, because people do not 'swallow' a string of Elvish names, and I rather prefer to accept my legendary creatures even with the false associations about 'a' translation 'rather than not accept them at all.
Even dwarfs [Dwarfs] are not really "dwarfs" Germanic (Zwerge, dweorgas, dvergar) and call them "dwarves" for pointing that out. Are not naturally evil, not necessarily hostile and people sort of larval feeding on rocks, but a variety of rational incarnate creatures. The Istari translated as "wizards" [wizards] connection to the wise [wise]. Are actually emissaries from the True West and, therefore, immediately, from God, sent to strengthen the resilience of the 'good' when the Valar warn that the shadow of Sauron taking shape again.
The draft ends with a discussion of the nature of the Istari and death and reincarnation of Gandalf which resembles the passage on the subject of that letter.
JRR Tolkien
[1] Peter Hastings, see No. 153.
[2] Greek, "messenger."
[3] The story of Beren and Luthien is the only major exception, as is the way in which the 'Elf' is intertwined with human history.
[4] See Note 4 to No. 131.
[5] There is only one "God": God, Eru Iluvatar. Then are the first creations, the angelic beings, of which the most committed to living Cosmogony (for love and choice) in the World, as Valar or governors or gods, and are embodied rational creatures, Elves and Men, of similar nature, but in a different category.
[6] This was an illusion, of course, a satanic lie. For as the emissaries of the Valar clearly tell you, the Blessed Realm does not confer immortality. The land is Blessed are blessed because they live there, not vice versa, and the Valar are immortal by right and nature, while men are mortal equally by right and nature. But, deceived by Sauron, Ar-Pharazôn rejects this argument as a diplomat to deflect the power of the King of Kings. If these myths were concerns expressed about the real nature of man in the real world, they could be considered "heretical" or not: do not know. But the idea of \u200b\u200bmyth is that Death-the mere brevity of human life expectancy-is not a punishment for the Fall, but some biologically (and therefore also spiritually, for body and spirit are integrated) inherent of human nature. The attempt to escape it is bad for being "unnatural", and silly because Death in that sense is the gift of God (envied by the Elves) by which the man is released from the fatigue of Time. Death in penal sense, is considered a change of attitude in relation to it: fear, reluctance. A good Númenórean dying to free will when she felt it was time to do so.
[7] had Númenóreans bad: the sauronianos, but they are not involved except in the remote history, as the Kings evil, which had become the Nazgul or Ringwraiths.
[8] Elves often invoked Varda, Elbereth, Queen of the Blessed Realm, his special friend, as does Frodo.