As we all know, the water is vital for life on planet earth. Water pollution and excessive use us not only creates imbalances in our daily lives, but in different plant and animal kingdoms of our home, planet earth.
The fresh water we can consume only 2.5% of water on earth, the sea water is 97.5% and due to the minerals it contains can not be consumed and process
desalination is expensive, salt extraction produce salt residues and contaminants that may affect our animals and plants.
The p rincipal water pollutants are organic waste (organic waste produced by human-read BOD - ) pathogens (different bacteria, viruses and other organisms that cause diseases such as cholera, hepatitis, typhoid, gastroenteritis), inorganic chemicals (acids, salts and toxic metals like mercury and lead) , inorganic plant nutrients (nitrates and phosphates that cause eutrophication ) organic compounds (oil, plastics, pesticides, detergents) ,

The issue is long and gives to speak. But the idea is to go to the conciseness.
What can we do from our place to reduce water pollution?
The idea is to devote ourselves to what concerns us personally, organic waste and organic compounds.
Here leave tips for reducing water consumption, reuse, reducing the consumption of polluting substances, and other tips.
The change is made to all: If we all change our habits and other healthier and more connected with the environment and teach this to our children, the future perspective is different.

- The water in flower vases or other containers can be reused for irrigation.
- While the washer is emptying the washing, you can place the hose into a bucket or basin and then reuse the water - greywater - instead of pressing the button in the bathroom, fully discharging water clean and reuse the soapy water. The same if you wash clothes by hand, or watering plants, and the soap not affected.
- If we wash the vegetables in a bowl of water can be reused for other purposes: to clean shoes, water etc.
- When boiling vegetables in a pot, water can be reused for irrigation, thus saving on consumption and give you more nutrients to our plants.
- can locate the little hose from the air conditioning in a can, bottle or bucket and then let it cool for reuse by irrigation or other.
b.Disminución use

- When we brush our teeth, turn off the faucet until We do not runs and rinses clean, pure water through the pipes.
- to wash dishes in for us to wash by hand, first things soap, then rinse them all together. If a container is best, so we reuse the water for another thing (bathing, irrigation, laundry, etc). If you use a dishwasher, use it only when full.
- bañemos When we do not let the water run, go into the shower as soon as possible, remember that many liters of clean water that is lost. Where possible, in times of extreme heat, turn off the tap in the time soaping and then reopen it only when I need to rinse.
- use water for irrigation and used previously (see "1.Reutilización)
- not empty water jugs or bottles, the water does not rot in 2 days and less in the refrigerator.

c.Disminución in the use of water pollutants
- detergents, plastics and derivatives, pesticides, solvents, bleaches fall into the category Organic Compounds that contribute to pollute our environment. Having been created by man, it takes hundreds of years to degrade as its internal structure is complex and difficult to degrade by agencies therefore are recorded in the polluted water and stay there. The more complex the soap or detergent, is more likely to be more damaging to the environment. Opt for the use of soap, shampoo, detergents and other more natural (soap white bread) or to suggest that non-polluting.
Some systems developed to conserve water