Sunday, March 27, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
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According to de la Rosa Tiburcio, are made research paths are throwing in the various municipalities there is corruption made of different modalities.
said the most corrupt municipality is the municipality of Santo Domingo Norte, directed by Francisco Fernandez.
The General Coordinator of Dominican Alliance Against Corruption, made the revelation, after participating in the program, police and judicial investigative report "In the Footsteps", leading journalists and Celina Cuevas José Suriel and transmitted live every Coming from 8:00 to 9:00 pm on channels 24 of Santo Domingo TV cable system and 69 UHF.
said that in those municipalities mayors have violated the law No. 340-06, on Purchase and Procurement of Goods, Services, Works and Concessions, and who have dedicated works to give grade to grade without making any contest.
assured that investigations are showing that different payrolls are bulky, and you do not understand how the councils waste money.
"The most difficult of them is the council of the municipality Santo Domingo Norte, and Francisco Fernandez, not even being paid to their employees," said de la Rosa Tiburcio.
added that if Serulle Gilberto, despite having months as mayor is a waste at City Hall Santiago, but investigations are already well advanced.
assured that these mayors have to face justice in what they invest the billions of pesos budget assigned to it and collect the excise in their respective municipalities.
assured that both the CAPD and the Chamber of Accounts are nonfunctional because they are not working with administrative corruption that is destroying society.
recalled Tiburcio De la Rosa said he had submitted to several former officials, including former director of the Institute of Hydraulic Resources INDHRI, Héctor Rodríguez Pimentel, the former vice president of the Dominican Corporation of State Electrical Companies Radhames Segura, but the director of the Department of Administrative Corruption Prevention (DPCA), Hotoniel Bonilla, maintains records shelved.
"We in the coming days we will be taking the files from before the (DPCA), and we hope to give continuity to the contrary that we are not at all and have a government totally corrupt," he said of the Rosa Tiburcio.
investigating judge and prosecutor are asked
also CAPD called the president of the Supreme Court, Jorge Subero Isa and the Attorney General's Office to conducting an investigation against the judge of the Fifth Court of Instruction Duvergé José Mejía and Deputy Attorney Aura Celeste Suriel to respond on that was released to the named Issac Alexander López Ortega.
said that Lopez Ortega is accused of killing 6 shots Mr. José Encarnación on 13 April 2010, and only spent seven months in prison.
The Coordinator General of the Dominican Alliance Against Corruption, said Sheriff Lee Ortega is the Fourth Criminal Chamber of the National District, so that the judge understands Mejía favored him with the freedom for its condition officer of the judiciary.
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In a letter to both leaders reminded the release of the leader Jose Francisco Pena Gomez, who several times gave up political positions to make way for other classmates.
The letter, plain text, is dated Friday, is the former President Torrijos delivered personally to the addressees and left the country, arguing that its political agenda as vice president of the Socialist International, as demand elsewhere.
In two days of meetings with both parties, Torrijos became convinced that the two leaders have PRD to leave their attitudes so that his party may have a stake in the election graceful 2012.
The suggestion is that both choose their most qualified technicians and develop proposals that round of negotiations can be discussed by both.
knew he was immediately accepted Miguel Mejia and understanding and that in the coming hours would be picking the commissioners to begin negotiations. TEN
mass fronts Dominican Revolutionary Party joined yesterday to lend his support to former President Hipolito Mejia, while they called the president of that organization Miguel Vargas Maldonado, to think of party unity addressing to a negotiation that would allow the desire of the majority of the PRD.
Four of them worked for the candidacy of Vargas Maldonado.
present at the ceremony were the presidents of the agricultural front, cults, Los Robles, union, business, health, youth, lawyers, teachers, university and social security. Unofficially
Listin Diario Vargas knew he would be willing to accept the presidential candidacy of Hipolito Mejia to change shape a formula that guarantees to its sector (Miguel Vargas) the nomination for vice president, plus 50% ministries in a new government and the proclamation of the PRD now of his presidential candidacy for the elections of 2016.
The communication, dated last june 23, Torrijos said that in his capacity as chairman of the Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Socialist International, as friends of the country, the PRD, and the two candidates in dispute, feels obliged to mediate the situation.
During his stay in the country, Torrijos visited Mejía, who was the organizing committee of the Convention last 6 proclaimed winner, and he suggested a meeting with Vargas, who claims that the results voters were influenced by PLD and reformers.
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In the same vein, diesel regular cost RD $ 178.00 per gallon and the premium rate will expand to RD $ 183.30, an increase of RD $ 3.70. in each case.
gallon of avtur cost RD $ 153.08, an increase of RD $ 3.00 and kerosene will be detailed to RD $ 173.50 per gallon, an increase of RD $ 3.30, while the gallon of fuel oil remain the same price and cost RD $ 126.66. The Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) will cost RD $ 98.91 per gallon, an increase of RD $ 2.15 and natural gas (LNG ñ CNG), will sell for RD $ 20.03 per cubic meter. The average exchange rate was RD $ 37.90, according to reports from the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic.
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Everything is ready for that morning, President Leonel Fernandez received in the Sports Palace more than two million 300 thousand signatures of Dominicans of the 31 provinces and the National District who apply repostulación for the elections of 2012.
The organizers of the event scheduled for 10:00 am, Freddy Perez and the President Chamber of Deputies, Abel Martinez, gave as fact the presence of the agent.
Perez believes that the candidates, although they were not invited to be present and to proclaim Fernández advantage as the candidate of the upcoming elections.
"I think this is an act of the Dominican Liberation Party, or the candidates do not have to wait for the invite, we are all comrades of the party and should be in that spot," he said.
While Martinez clarified that delicate matter of the candidates were not invited, because that is an act repostulación request of President Fernandez.
However, they were invited members of the Political Committee and Central Committee, who have no aspiration for 2012.
According to organizers, a delegation from each province and the National District will be delivered to President Fernández contentivo a book of signatures that were collected.
The event will be the first to be held in the country where a president or a political leader receives a certain number of signatures calling for his repostulación. Fernandez is expected to clear doubts and say whether it will seek another term in 2012.
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The organizers argue that President Fernandez at the present time has in its favor domestic backing of over 80%, more than two million signatures, the best work of government in recent decades and danger that the country exposed if the PLD is removed from power.
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The Executive authorized the Ministry of Finance to reduce 12% of the available assignments public institutions, for the General State Budget 2011. Decree 186-11
contained in this order, which excludes the ministries of Education, Higher Education and Public Health. Also exempt from the measure, according to the decree, the entities that have rates established by specific laws and transfers to subsidize social programs.
percentage budget reduction will be applied to state entities both centralized and decentralized, and social security.
"decentralized institutions and social security must submit to finance their budgets adjusted according to adjustment measures spending by 30 April this year, "cites the decree. Similarly, the decree 184-11 mandates that public sector institutions to pay taxes on goods and services contracted for a period of a year.
This includes 17% tax on the registration of motor vehicles. "Officials who authorize purchases in violation of the provisions of the decree, are responsible for payment of taxes," warns presidential document. The Presidency Republic Finance orders rejecting requests for exemption from state institutions.
Furthermore, the Decree 185-11 to send to the tax deducted electricity bill of each public office monthly budget allocations. "Finance, through the Directorate General of Budget, will reduce the payment to be made of the electric bill from public institutions, the corresponding budgetary appropriations," the decree. If an entity disagrees with the consumer is billed, may apply to the relevant electricity distribution company and the complaint must be answered within 20 working days.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Mao. Some 20 inmates Center Mao Corrections and Rehabilitation (CCR) were graduates yesterday in two technical courses taught at the prison in coordination with the Technical Educational Institute Rodríguez Sánchez (INTERS).
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By Marcelino Cabrera
MAO .- After several days of cruel and savage murder of Ms, Jasmine Valdez, her ex-husband Manuel Bonilla Rodríguez, indicated as the prime suspect in this crime, left this city so far today, after 10 months of this embarrassment event is known of his current whereabouts.
is recalled that since the first time of its heinous crime against this young mother, Rodriguez Bonilla was arrested immediately by police and judicial authorities and police manning condice Mao, where sentences for several days and then released him under the influence of his "great friend" of Bishop Emeritus Tomás Abreu Herrera Geronimo and family relationship it has with the current prosecutor of the Valverde Province, Mr. German Diaz Bonilla, who is his cousin.
This has shown great shame that 10 months of this crime, "the authorities" have not been able to court to resolve this case, however society organized or sponsored maena Through his popular and representative, continue to claim that justice is done with the head of this criminal action, no matter who has influence or is a "person" white collar.
was precisely on May 25 last year, the homicide was committed, considered the most cruel and savage in the history of Mao, against this young mother, who was beaten, stabbed and slaughtered in his own home the residential Carol Giselle.
This was an event that shook our people and the country as a crime so horrible. Manuel Rodriguez Bonilla Before being released, Deputy Attorney key research and who, Lic. Nelson Rodriguez had announced to the media, "type figure," there was "overwhelming evidence" that incriminated the suspect in the death of Ms. Jasmine Valdez.
also have to mention that at the time that the Police and the Public Prosecutor Manuel Rodriguez Bonilla apprehended, he seized a pistol, 2 phones, the keys to the residence where he committed the bloody deed and Jepet, with some blood stains, always according to what he reported to the media, the prosecutor handling the case from the beginning, Nelson Rodriguez.
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Garcia Rojas is questioned by prosecutors for the Department of crimes and property crimes (burglary), together with Wascar Antonio Solis, Francisco Javier Regalado and less.
time when it was led by the National Police to the Attorney inconsistencies speaking defendant said he had been well treated by the authorities and took away the money he was "like water", while noting that gave 50 thousand dollars to his mother.
However, the mother, to be addressed on the money that he gave his son replied: "I have not eaten or a mint of money, he has not given me anything."
From its side, police spokesman Max Aybar said proceeds of the robbery were recovered about three million pesos in cash, vehicles and furniture, and ruled that police officers have been to RD $ 400 thousand, as at the time of arrest involved a deputy prosecutor. Front
Courthouse New City was taken to a van with some of the dishes he bought the messenger with the money, including a set of furniture, three fans, one drawer and a Passolo. While
asked onlookers as they passed but what was he rich?.
is expected in the afternoon, the prosecution requested remand the accused, who were arrested yesterday in the community of Guarana, San Francisco de Macoris.