T: ... Before he wrote The Hobbit and much before he wrote this, I had already built the mythology of this world.
G: So you had some sort of scheme on which it was possible to work?
T: Sagas immense, if ... self absorbed and did The Hobbit himself, The Hobbit was not originally part of it all, but as soon as it began to move within this world became part of it.
G: So your characters and the story really took charge.
T: (Light Pipe)
G: I say took the lead, I'm not saying you were completely under his spell or anything like that ...
T: Oh no, no, no dream I was wrong about everything, not an obsession at all. You have this feeling that at this point A, B, C, D only A or one of them is right and you had to wait to see it for yourself. I have maps, of course. If you are going to have a complicated history, one must work with a map, otherwise it could never to map it later. The moons, I think were finally moons and sunset worked out according to what they were in this part of the world in 1942 really.
(Turns off the pipe)
G: You started in '42 is not true, to write it?
T: Oh no, I started as soon as the Hobbit was finished, in the '30s.
G: It was completed just prior to publishing ...
T: I wrote the latest ... in 1949 - I remember actually cried in Dwimmwemore. But then of course there was a tremendous amount of revision. I typed all the work twice and many parts of the re wrote many times, in bed in the attic. Could not afford, of course, that type told me, as I suppose, I'm not in a position where no matter what people think of me now, there were some frightening errors in grammar, which from a professor of English and literature are almost shocking.
G: I have not noticed any.
T: There was one once, past participle used as a ride to ride! (Laughter)
G: Do you feel some sort of guilt at all as philologists, Professor of English Language with which you dummy language sources concerned with the fact that you spent much of his life to something fictitious?
T: No. I'm sure the language was much better!. A lot of linguistic wisdom in it. I feel no guilt complex about The Lord of the Rings.
G: Do you feel a particular infatuation for these comfortable homely things holds the Hobbiton, the home and pipe and fire and bed - the virtues of home?
T: Do not you?
G: Do not you Professor Tolkien?
T: Sure. .
G: So how has a particular crush on the Hobbits?
T: You should feel at home ... Hobbiton looks a lot like the kind of world in which I first noticed things, which was perhaps more poignant to me by the fact that I I was not born here but in Bloomsdale, South Africa. I was very young when I came back, but also bites into your memory and imagination, even if they do not think it has. If your first Christmas tree was a eucalyptus usually withered and if you were bothered by the heat and sand. Then, suddenly find themselves in a quiet Warwickshire village, the age at which sparks the imagination, I think it engenders a particular love for what you might call the midlands of England, with plenty of water, rocks, and small elms quiet rivers, etc., and of course the native people of those places.
G: At what age did you come to England?
T: I guess when I was three and a half. Very pregnante of course, is one of those things people say they do not remember, it's like constantly photographing the same thing at the same stage. Smooth shifts merely create a blurred image. But if a child has a sudden change like this is conscious. What it does is try to fit the new experiences with old ones. I have a clear and vivid picture of a house I know. It is a beautiful replica of my home in Bloomfontein and my grandmother's house in Birmingham. I still remember going on the road to Birmingham and wondering what had happened to the great gallery, what would have happened to the balcony. Consequently remember these things extremely well, I remember taking baths in the Indian sea, where not already had two years and I remember it clearly.
G: Frodo accepts the burden of the ring, and as a character takes the long suffering and perseverance, and their actions one could, almost in the Buddhist sense that "takes on merit." He actually becomes a Christ-like figure. Why chose a most persistent Hobbit for this role?
T: I did not. Did no such thing as choice. You see, I wrote The Hobbit ... everything I was trying to do was to continue from where it was The Hobbit. Hobbits had in my hands. Is not it true?
G: By the way, but there is nothing particularly Christ in Bilbo.
T: No.
G: But to face the most terrible dangers, and still he fought and triumphed.
T: But that, I think more like an allegory of the human race. I've always been impressed by the fact that we're here surviving because of the indomitable courage of small people against impossible odds: jungles, volcanoes, wild beasts ... they are fighting, almost blindly along the road.
G: I think Midgard would like Middle Earth Or have some connection?
T: Oh! Yes, both are the same world. Many people have made the mistake of thinking that Middle Earth is a special kind of earth or another planet is the kind of science fiction, but it's just an old word to call this land where we live, surrounded as I imagined by the ocean.
G: I think that Middle Earth was in a sense, as you say this world we live in, but in a different era.
T: No. .. in a different state of mind itself.
G: Have you tried in The Lord of the Rings that certain races should have certain principles, the Elves, the wisdom, the dwarves, the gift of craft and men plowing and battle, and so forth?
T: No I tried, but when you have these people in your hands, you have to make them different, is not it?. Well, of course as we all know we have only lately humanity to work with it, is only clay we've had. To all - or at least a large part of the human race - we would have great mental powers, great powers of art, by which the gap between designing and implementing the power should be shortened, and would like a long, if not indefinite period of time to learn more and do more. So the Elves are immortal in a sense, I had to use immortal, I did not say they were eternally immortal, merely that they are very long lived and likely longevity lasts as long as the habitability of the earth. The dwarves of course are quite obvious - Would not you say that in a sense reminding the Jews?. Their words are Semitic obvious, constructed to be Semitic. The Hobbits are like the rustic English people, made small in size because it reflects (In general) the small reach of their imagination - not the small reach of their courage and latent power.
G: This seems to be a major force in the book, this enormous conglomeration of names - one not lost, at least until the second reading.
T: I am delighted that I say that, because that I think a big problem. It also gives me great pleasure, a good name. Whenever I write starts with a name. Give me a name and it produces a story. Not the other way about normal.
G: Of the languages \u200b\u200byou know, what was the one he helped writing The Lord of the Rings?
T: Oh Dio ... of modern languages \u200b\u200bshould say that I have always attracted the Welsh for their style and sound more than any other, although I think the first time I saw her was in the trucks of coal, I always wanted to know what it was.
G: I think the Welsh music comes through many names you've chosen for mountains and places in general.
T: A lot. But more unusual, a potent influence on myself has been Finnish.
G: Should the book be considered an allegory?
T: No. I dislike allegory, although the smell.
G: Do you consider the decline of the world and in his book assumes the Elderly? and, Do you see a Fourth Age for the world at the moment, our world?
T: At my age, I am a class of people who have lived through one of the changing periods of history. Surely there could not be much change in seventy years.
G: There is an autumnal quality throughout The Lord of the Rings, in one case a character says the story continues, but I seem to have been thrown out of it ... however, everything is declining, fading, at least towards the end of the Third Age, each election tends to alienate some tradition. Now I think it's something like "the old order changing, producing a new place, and God keeps them in many ways" by Tennyson. Where is God in The Lord of the Rings?
T: He is mentioned once or twice.
G: Is He?
T: He, yes.
G: Are you an atheist?
T: Oh, I'm Catholic Roman! Devout Roman Catholic!
G: Do you want to be remembered through the years for his writings on philology and other matters or by The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit?
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