Father Robert Murray, grandson of Sir James Murray (founder of Inglés Oxford Dictionary) and close family friend Tolkien, had read part of The Lord of the Rings in the proofs and typed copies and, at the instigation of Tolkien, had sent comments and criticisms. He wrote that the book had produced a strong feeling "of a positive support to the order of grace" and comparing Galadriel's image with that of the Virgin Mary. He doubted that many critics could find a great meaning to the work: "Do not have a box to place it before."
2 December 1953
Dear Rob:
was wonderful to receive your long letter this morning .... I regret that some random words of mine said they were busy because of you to criticize my work. But to confess the truth, although the praise (or, which is not exactly the same and better yet, the expressions of pleasure) is welcome, encouraged me especially what you said, this time and before, because you're more perception, especially in certain directions than others, and even I have revealed more clearly certain aspects of my work. I think I know exactly what you mean with the order of grace; and, of course, with your references to Our Lady, which is based on my limited perception of beauty both in majesty and simplicity. The Lord of the Rings is of course a fundamentally religious and Catholic work, unconsciously so at first, but then I became aware of it in the review. That is the reason why I did not include, or have removed any reference to anything resembling a "religion", whether cults or practices, in the imaginary world. For the religious element is absorbed into the history and symbolism. But all this is said awkwardly, and it sounds like I gave more importance than sorry. Because, to tell Indeed, I have consciously planned very little, and should be grateful for having been brought up (from eight) in a faith that has nurtured me and taught me what little I know, and I owe to my mother, who stuck to his conversion and died young, largely by the hardships of poverty, which were the consequences.
Incidentally, I have nurtured English literature, I do not think you know more than you, for the simple reason that I never found much in it which could stand on my heart (or heart and head together.) I was trained in the classics and first discovered the sensation of literary pleasure in Homer. Also to be a philologist, and having obtained much of the aesthetic pleasure that I am capable of form of words (and especially the association new form of the word with its meaning), I have always enjoyed the work more in a foreign language or a language so remote that it seems (as the Anglo-Saxon). But enough about me.
I'm afraid that what you say about critics and the public is highly unlikely as to make it real. The publication is scaring me because it will be impossible to ignore what is said. I have set my heart to shoot it. I think the editors are also anxious; and are keen to have as many people as possible read advance copies and form a kind of opinion before the critics mediocrity Drive the tooth ....
sorry to hear that now you have after moving cello somewhat (I'm told) in the art of this beautiful and difficult instrument. Anyone who can play a stringed instrument like a witch me worthy of greater respect. I love music, but I have no capacity for it, and efforts to teach me to play the violin in my youth I have left only a feeling of veneration to the violinists. Slavic languages \u200b\u200bare to me almost in the same category. In my time I tried to learn several languages, but I'm not "linguist" in the ordinary sense, and once spent time trying to learn Serbian or Russian has been instrumental not only a strong impression of the structure and verbal beauty ....
Please forgive the apparent enmity of my typing! My capacity for it does not improve. Except for speed. I am now much faster than my laborious hand, which should stand as fatigue and pain quickly. I have no doubt that you'll soon have news of Edith.
Ronald Tolkien.
(Carta 142)
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