cymatics in science is called the study of wave phenomena and visually shows how the sound sets the matter. By the '60s the experiments of Dr. Hans Jenny showed that, if placed fine dust, sand and steel wool on metal foil and are subject to a vibration of sound waves, these particles were arranged to form specific patterns. In other words, it was found as it says in ancient mystical and esoteric texts, "the principle of vibration." All matter is sound and no sound, but these, in most cases, are beyond our limited sense of hearing.
However, this approach stems from a documentary IMPERDIBLE by Ben Stewart production talismanic Idols. The same makers of the doumental "Plan Esoteric whose chapter Illusion and Reality (also known as Holographic Reality") is the most revealing and you can see here.
utime we have witnessed the distribution of films as valuable Zeitgest , where many managements are revealed from the power to subjugate the population through fear, entertainment and consumption. The new and valuable Kymatica lies in daring to go far beyond the film exposes a conspiracy of smart and entertaining proposes to consider that we are one Being in evolution. This raises a profound and original look of the current world situation and our responsibility. The world, from this point of view is a mirror, becomes each of us as a message. What we call reality is out, but also within each one and in this sense, the relationship to oneself, is and will be reflected in the world. Wars, misery, pain, inequality, such as solidarity, compassion and love are so out of us as they are inside.
"... because the world is trying to tell you something (...) what is wrong with you and how you can transform it ...."
This starts Kymatica launched in late February 2009, fortunately is in English and by the way, I think you should give, (give) a chance to see and judge for yourself. There is more to this introduction and interesting ideas to consider in the film.
are nine videos and you can keep clicking the final series related videos. Thus begins:
More Info:
* Many thanks to Albasilente .
* Official Site talismanic Idols here
* More about the concept and its implications cymatics here
* Here you will find a enlightening video of Dr. Hans Jenny about how the cymatics is in English but not to worry because the image itself, gives a very clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe process.
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