Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mucus Plug And Miscarriage

Johann Sebastian Bach - "Air for Strings in G" - Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D Mayor "

Johann Sebastian Bach, born in Germany March 21, 1685, to become today one of the most admired musicians in history. His work belongs to the Baroque period and strangely, according to some of his biographers, was forgotten until the nineteenth century, when the rescue is to be considered one of the greatest, not only for their intellectual depth and perfection technique, but also for its beauty.
Among his best known works is the "Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D Major," also known as "Air for Strings in G" . The suite was composed by Bach sometime between 1717 and 1723 for Prince Leopold of Anhalt and changing its name comes from violinist August Wilhelmj. This late nineteenth century, arranged the work for violin and piano, also made the transposition of the primary key of D major to C major of the original, which managed to touch the work with the G string of his violin.
The work responds to a quiet beauty which, like air, without haste and without pause, instruments appear to be emerging as a single body to ethereal landscapes. True, none stands out, because all form one body light and full of clarity.

in 1723, and in Leipzig, the musician begins to fill the position of "Cantor of the Church of St. Thomas" and director of Music at the University. I would do until 1750, the year of his death. In "Little Chronicle" his second wife Anna Magdalena Bach Wülker relates how is blind but regained dying moments before the hearing. He died with his company and with some friends; the man who had said, "Whoever sings, prays twice" in their last breath, she recalls, asked to listen to music. And right there his friends sang the choir.

More Info:
* Johann Sebastian Bach Marseille Cruz here . *
Here more data on the German master and his work.
* A version of the Orquetal Suite No. 3 in D Major "by the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra. Do not miss it, click here .
* Very famous are also six suites Cello; here you can enjoy the Suite No. 1 in its movement preludi or performed by Mstislav Rostropovich : two minutes of pure beauty.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Can You Put Your Own Voice In Jibjab

Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle

Here is a book that belongs to that rare class of texts where the words try to silence. In your reading you can breathe a delicate atmosphere, soft but with a sharpness that is achieved very rarely. Eckhart Tolle
provides us with his words very clearly that the crystal clear waters, those flowing without any trouble in a forgotten landscape in some inner landscape ...
At times, it evokes the tone of the ancient teachings, that simple, they are still deeply revealing, as true poetry.

already said the Mexican poet Octavio Paz: "Before speaking, learn to shut up" .

Note: Clicking on the upper right corner (Toggle Full Screen) you can see it better in full screen. To download, clicking here .

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Football Plays In Jockstarps

Connect with the Higher Self - Drunvalo Melchizedek

Drunvalo Melchizedek In this video tells how had to rethink their teaching in order to provide other connection with the Higher Self (Higher Self). From his story, there is something very significant: the discovery he made when he realized that the necessary condition to enter into relationship with the Higher Self is connected first with the lower self. This, in his words is the Mind Subcosciente, which far from being described as an abstract complex, has the characteristic of being the conscience of a child about six years.
On the other hand, Drunvalo suggests that as for the big leap we must make downward momentum in the same way to connect with the Higher Self, we must first get into friends and accomplices contact with the lower self. And to do that "you must become like a child", ie the ability to play back as adults we tend to forget easily.
In these four videos you'll see in more detail what form that Drunvalo offers to walk into a real relationship with the Higher Self.
As said the videos are four and are hooked to better carry the thread of the conversation. You enjoy ...

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