Drunvalo Melchizedek In this video tells how had to rethink their teaching in order to provide other connection with the Higher Self (Higher Self). From his story, there is something very significant: the discovery he made when he realized that the necessary condition to enter into relationship with the Higher Self is connected first with the lower self. This, in his words is the Mind Subcosciente, which far from being described as an abstract complex, has the characteristic of being the conscience of a child about six years.
On the other hand, Drunvalo suggests that as for the big leap we must make downward momentum in the same way to connect with the Higher Self, we must first get into friends and accomplices contact with the lower self. And to do that "you must become like a child", ie the ability to play back as adults we tend to forget easily.
In these four videos you'll see in more detail what form that Drunvalo offers to walk into a real relationship with the Higher Self.
As said the videos are four and are hooked to better carry the thread of the conversation. You enjoy ...
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In these four videos you'll see in more detail what form that Drunvalo offers to walk into a real relationship with the Higher Self.
As said the videos are four and are hooked to better carry the thread of the conversation. You enjoy ...
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