Sunday, May 31, 2009

Wear Bandana Like Hendrix

Clarity of Mind - Our Truth Lies About

few years ago, I read that clarity is an obstacle in the path of transcendental knowledge. In the famous book by Carlos Castaneda "The Teachings of Don Juan" is the matter, in truth, Don Juan says that the first enemy is fear. Quote:

(...)" When a man starts to learn, never know what's going to find. Their purpose is poor, the intent is vague. Hopes for rewards that never materialize, for he knows nothing of the work it costs to learn.
And his thoughts are butting and sink into nothingness. What you learn is never to be believed. And so it begins to be afraid. The knowledge is never what you expected. Every step of learning is a quagmire, and the fear that man experiences begins to grow without mercy, without compromise.
This has met with the first of their natural enemies: fear! A terrible enemy, treacherous and entangled in the thorns. It is hidden in every corner of the road, watching, waiting. And if the man, terrified in his presence, made a run, your enemy will have put an end to your search.
(...) And what can you do to overcome fear?
"The answer is very simple. You should not run. Must defy his fear, and although he should continue with their learning, and the next and the next. Must be full of fear, but should not stop. That is the rule! And there comes a time when his first enemy retreats. The man begins to feel confident. Its purpose is strengthened. Learning is no longer a terrifying task. (...)

- But do not be afraid again if something new happens?
-No. Once man has conquered his fear, it is free for life, because, instead of fear has acquired clarity: clarity of mind which erases fear. Then a man knows his desires; knows how to satisfy those desires. Can provide learning new steps and a sharp clarity surrounds everything. The man feels that nothing is hidden.
This has encountered his second enemy: the clarity! That clarity of mind so hard to get dispels fear, but also blinds.
Force man never to doubt him. It gives you confidence that you can do whatever pleases because all he sees, he sees clearly. And is valuable because it clearly and do not stop at anything because it clearly. All this is a mistake, it's like to see something clear but incomplete. If the man yields to the illusion of power, has succumbed to a second natural enemy and will be awkward to learn. It will speed up when it should be patient and be patient when you need to hurry. Learning and silly, until the end unable to learn more.
"But what should you do to avoid this loss?
-must do what he did with fear: he must defy his clarity and use it only to watch and wait with patience and tact ante measure take other steps, must think, above all, clarity is almost a mistake. And there will come a time when you realize that clarity is only one point before his eyes. And thus he will overcome his second enemy, and sores to a position where nothing can damage it. That will not be a mistake nor an illusion. There is only one point before his eyes. That will really power.
will know then that power so long is finally his persecution. You can do what he pleases with it. His ally is his command. That is the rule. Is clear and even all that is around. But it has also come across his third enemy: the power !(...)"

Well, the words of Don Juan does not cease to be controversial for the training we have received the most people, how can clarity of mind to be an enemy, an obstacle to knowledge? And yet we could understand it from one place. The reason, logic, systems of thought, mere "thinking" is the first tool that believe to reach new levels of knowledge of evolution. Perhaps we have not recognized that the most widespread and accepted faith is not in any religion, but faith in reason. And the reason is the priority factor to predict, anticipate, is a control mechanism, the first of whom are workers. Thus, the prediction made by thought, a kind of security grows in us because we live in an illusion of "clarity."
Then, if the interaction between "A" and "B" infer the presence of "C" let us say, we seek not to learn, is not evolving, what we have done is go in search of corroborating something that the reason he had predicted.
Today sees the accepted idea that the world is a school, we incarnate to learn. And so we are told that there are levels that are more advanced souls than others. The ego is sympathetic to this idea. A subtle kind of layers of souls appears as a ranking scheme where we are closer or farther from the light. At some point we wonder what we do to further evolve, we read that 2012 closes a cycle "school" and who can tell us if we grade? If alumni or repeat? In the midst of trying to make guesses walking and generally reached such a conclusion: "I have
learn to forgive.
"I have to learn to overcome the ego.
"I have to do what I
" I have to learn to meditate.
"I have to learn to accept.
"I have to learn to set boundaries.
"I have to learn to love.
"I have to learn .....( the list goes on)

Then come the how to address each of those" I have ...", ie technical formula of words and / or mantras. With all our strength, we end up making the mystery of life, an operation of limited intellect, sound reasoning flimsy building with a consistency often final. Clearly want more than anything in the world, what we see is that this clearly power is an illusion, an illusion of domination over life on the terms that we own and are not even really ours.

The Sufi teachings say that the most difficult and narrow the world, but the only one worth starting, is one that goes from our heads to our hearts. But the head seems to have much reasoning "acute", interesting, dressed really distracts us, and who can honestly say without doubt that what he thinks is truly yours ...?
OB_platformType OBCTm

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What Are Mcdonalds Sayings

Unlearning to evolve - from the book "The masks of the self or from robot to person" -

We are so full of information about things and about ourselves, we walk the path lost ignorance, alienated from the world soul, the soul of things and our own soul. Extra-stray and lethargic, possessed of a knowledge ex-centric with aroma and flavor consistency.
Dog, flower, tree, person, rock, river ... are only concepts that foreshadow a perceptual information, while we away from the real essence of what is perceived, so that the source of learning is set to the perceived object duality / perceiving subject, keeping out of true knowledge ... (...)

concerns the planet's evolution, the universe and all life and vibrancy. Everything in life comes together in a single song with the sound of the cosmos, which, we are only a tiny part. Because from the tiniest particle to a star, going by the ant, flower, man and mountain, are the same and are closely inter-related ... But we're proud not learn anything as errant bags full of information, with big eyes and apricots are not not listen. Perhaps, in a fleeting moment you wake up and live a little miracle of nature, feels that everything has a voice, a rationale, a moment, a birth, death, rebirth, that everything vibrates and moves in constant rhythm, that all matter speaks, moans, communicates its vibration and striving for progress and life.
Today everyone goes crazy for teaching and a teacher, it strikes me that what we need is a "desenseñador" someone who, as to the character of Hinton in their scientific reports on the fourth dimension, to help us unlearn and eradicate all these conventions that hamper development in us our potential, all our tenderness and our entire humanity. That is the master key function of every teacher who truly is, as they were from Lao Tse to Bakunin, passing by Diogenes, Socrates, Spinoza, Schrödinger and Heisenberg. For what is not "desenseñar" Krishnamurtri making when he says that the image one has of reality is different and distinct from reality itself, or when he says that intellectual understanding is like saying bananas? Is not it proposes desenseñar Lao Tse when he says: "I confess that there is nothing to show ... today I speak in a way and tomorrow another, but the road is always beyond words and mind. I know simply aware of the unity of things "? (...)

Hinton, the creator of the term "desenseñador" ("Unlearning" in the original), narrated that our mental space (does our consciousness, our spirit?) Is hiperespeso, and we prevent us crossing the threshold of the third dimension, and operating on higher dimensions (the fourth. fifth or nth dimension), a force regarded as absolute truths, which are only limiting conventions that we ourselves have built and take for granted. (...)

Our three-dimensional bodies resist the existence of other dimensions, and it is precisely this resistance to enslave ourselves to this third dimension. The fourth dimension, the fifth or the hundredth, there are new dimensions, the only thing that makes them new is the fact that science, from quantum theories today, the opening in the light of possibility. But these dimensions are as eternal as we are, and have been for humanity ... (...)

's connect with our "desenseñador" and go out for a walk: "As the world can reveal itself as particles, the path may be revealed as human beings. Although the world and the particles are not the same thing Nor are they different. Although the cosmic body and your body are not the same, neither are they different. Worlds and particles, bodies and beings, time and space: these are transient expressions of the road. Invisible, impalpable, the road is beyond any attempt at analysis and classification. At the same time, the truth is there where you're headed. If you leave from your mind and surround it with your heart, live inside you forever. "Lao Tse, the author of these words was a great desenseñador. Each of us has within it its own.'s Hear it.
(. ..)
The art of unlearning is an experiential process arduous, whose passage requires an initiatory experience drain and dispossession, of death and rebirth, that challenges the deepest part of us and permeates our daily lives, a state of alert and harmonious life, disrupting our news routine and getting closer to a real encounter of our being, in a jubilant awakening of communion with life.

(...) The art of unlearning is a process of emptying, of death and rebirth, which leads to freedom.

Excerpts from the book: "The masks of the self or from robot to person" Carmen Moreno

Martin aka "Hannah"

More Info:
  • Fifth Dimension here.
  • Full Text
  • Carmen Moreno Martín here.
  • Here is an interview Carmen Moreno Martín. About
  • Charles Howard Hinton.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cramping 40 Weeks Pregnant

Contemplation ... Moving pictures of the sky - Sky Motion

One way to overcome the narrow limits of the self is merged into the landscape, ie look ....
reach a state of awareness where the ego, at least for a time cast away in the beauty ... One observer and landscape are ..

Nature is one of the best vehicles to reach those states where the wonder is nurtured by its own magic of dreams ...

Well seen, raising his eyes to heaven, watch the ground beneath our feet, attending to our senses to the reality of time, suggests a mystery that we are privileged witnesses ...

And a kind of gratitude grows in silence ...

Music: "Turán hott Kurdistan" by Mexico to the other

Video: Till Credner, "The Sky Motion"

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Treatment For Polyps In Brain

The origin of emotional pain - Object Consciousness

From the point of view, one could say that there are two basic ways to relate to the world: as subject or object. In the first case we think that we are writers and actors of our lives, in the second we are also writers, but without awareness of that role. As one famous saying, "life is why happens to us while we are busy with something else ". But it really means to relate to the world from a place of" object "?
object consciousness
In this case, the individual is directed from outside, and is driven by what happens on the outside and this takes away from himself, often without knowing it. is a kind of alienation, once warned, proposes a search for the true self. But to get there , to be (I use the word Being in a sense of personal truth that the individual is revealing himself) gets a powerful barrier, a universe of objects, concepts, chores, rules. They represent the individual, but is far away from releasing Being The individual, the person is relegated to the shadows of objects, not to express a unique and extraordinary value. So there is a strong identification with the object that the individual "disappears." There are different kinds of objects that we forget ourselves. By way of generalization has been the following:

* Objects image in the world: those who build here basically consider the aesthetic image.

* The doings : identification with what we do, activities as a form of impersonation Be, the work is perhaps the most representative if it becomes the backbone of a life, in other cases the compulsion to social activities when they leave no room for inner silence.

* Standards internalized as indisputable: anchor that holds the world as a predictable behavior. We all have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is right and wrong, what is love and its manifestation to recognize it as such, he deserves forgiveness and what not. And of course, good and evil.

motivators * Objects: These are the ideas that keep us from this. Catholicism may be a good example of this when he promoted the idea of \u200b\u200bparadise. The noblest spiritual aspirations are at risk of drowning when spirituality becomes an object. In the same vein but on the other side we find the money, reputation, decorative objects, etc.

* Objects illusion of power: those that function as a means of control over others, the environment, and also about yourself. And information technologies become forms of manipulation.

The projection of identity in the objects placed on the subject in a position of slavery. In order to acquire an influence disproportionate to the individual, it remains enslaved in a prison that has been created. Yet the worst news in this regard, we love that kind of slavery, as we have assumed that without it nothing somo: what am I if I lose my job? How to accept me if I start to notice wrinkles, gray hair, if I like your hair? And if I fall tits? And if I fail and not achieve what I set? And if what they think is wrong? If people do not act as I intend? So ..?

As is clear, the overvaluation of the objects, we get on your knees, throws us a kind of existential angst and end up being an object of the circumstances we have created. Thus, in the real or imaginary object loss or modification, there is a very emotional reaction that we consider, for our identity was the object. But as is becoming clear is not proper, they live as their own, but it is not.
The emotional pain is the price you pay for moving away from the truth itself, or at least the path that leads us to express this singular truth and only ours, because life does not encourage repetition. The excitement dipara not realize that is not in our truth. We believe that manifests itself as proof that we are genuine pain. However, we could consider that emotion brings another kind of message: that the pain reminds us that we can choose awaken the consciousness of our true self This is primarily, to stop living in the consciousness object.

is worth mentioning that regardless of the nature of the object, they are not something we should put as the root of our pain, making them harmful, is this kind of relationship we have with them: money, fame, or objects, "one of them and we want to think, can not be regarded itself as the reason for our misfortunes existential will be in any case, if they purchase an overstatement, that is, if we give the power to replace Ser

You may have much more to say about it, but will avoid dwell. Among the millions and millions of visitors to this blog, most appreciate brevity, so later if the time is right, we will expand the topic.

Finally and by way of closure, but obviously, say that the relationship with the world is an inescapable mandate, while we live. And this relationship, from the point of view leads to a choice between two paths: to choose to venture into uncharted territory or to remain in the familiar and predictable. The first is to uncover and discover ourselves, create us from the enthusiasm that the new proposed deal, is to walk through the mystery which I suppose is to go into the encounter with the True Self The second way as good as the first, is about reducing life to a collection: an inventory of objects that reveal not only a poor order and illusory, but in which we become a common element of a catalog that is intended to reduce life. Is to remain in the familiar because it is understood will always be the best, even if it means a form of slavery.
Finally, it is a choice between love of life and the fear of it.

leave here a fragment of the film Peaceful Warrior (Peaceful Warrior) leads us to see our relationship with the world from a different place. It's really one of those films revealing and I recommend it with enthusiasm. Is based on the book "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman.

OB_platformType More Info:
* Clicking here an interview with Dan Millman on the origin of books and other things.
* If you want to see the film on line, click here . It's in English from Spain.
* I've found that meets the e-mule with subtitles in English, without much difficulty. Set this to anyone interested in seeing movies in their original language

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Power of Creation - Stories heard ...

Walking around I told the traditional story of India:
He was a man with many hours traveling on foot and was really tired and sweaty under the relentless sun of India. Exhausted and unable to go a step further, lay to rest under a leafy tree. The ground was hard and thought how nice man it would have a bed. It turns out that this was a celestial tree which grants wishes and thoughts come true. So the point man appeared a comfortable cama.El fell on it and was enjoying the soft bed when he thought how pleasant it would give him a massage girl in his tired legs. When a beautiful young woman appeared who began to provide it with a soothing massage. Well rested, was hungry and thought how pleasant it would be able to enjoy a tasty and hearty meal. The event appeared to him the most delicious dishes. The man ate his fill and was very happy. Suddenly he was struck one thought: "Now See now, if a tiger attacked me!" There was a tiger and ate it.

night And when I came home, someone with an Arabic accent came up to tell the following story: A curious
wanted to know what it was heaven and hell. His obsession was increased, until one night he dreamed that someone invited him to visit a country where there was a large pot full of delicious delicacies. About that pot was a group of people, all sad, thin and ugly. When kept looking, found that all had in hand a spoon too long, so that no could take it to the mouth. "We are in hell," said the guide.
Then it announced that it would meet the sky. Suddenly, the man, astonished, saw that everything seemed to be exactly the same as before: people with long spoons and pot with plenty of food. But everyone was happy, looked healthy and well fed. When you set better, what was the difference observed: there were feeding each other.
