(...)" When a man starts to learn, never know what's going to find. Their purpose is poor, the intent is vague. Hopes for rewards that never materialize, for he knows nothing of the work it costs to learn.
And his thoughts are butting and sink into nothingness. What you learn is never to be believed. And so it begins to be afraid. The knowledge is never what you expected. Every step of learning is a quagmire, and the fear that man experiences begins to grow without mercy, without compromise.
This has met with the first of their natural enemies: fear! A terrible enemy, treacherous and entangled in the thorns. It is hidden in every corner of the road, watching, waiting. And if the man, terrified in his presence, made a run, your enemy will have put an end to your search.
(...) And what can you do to overcome fear? "The answer is very simple. You should not run. Must defy his fear, and although he should continue with their learning, and the next and the next. Must be full of fear, but should not stop. That is the rule! And there comes a time when his first enemy retreats. The man begins to feel confident. Its purpose is strengthened. Learning is no longer a terrifying task. (...)
- But do not be afraid again if something new happens?
-No. Once man has conquered his fear, it is free for life, because, instead of fear has acquired clarity: clarity of mind which erases fear. Then a man knows his desires; knows how to satisfy those desires. Can provide learning new steps and a sharp clarity surrounds everything. The man feels that nothing is hidden.
This has encountered his second enemy: the clarity! That clarity of mind so hard to get dispels fear, but also blinds.
Force man never to doubt him. It gives you confidence that you can do whatever pleases because all he sees, he sees clearly. And is valuable because it clearly and do not stop at anything because it clearly. All this is a mistake, it's like to see something clear but incomplete. If the man yields to the illusion of power, has succumbed to a second natural enemy and will be awkward to learn. It will speed up when it should be patient and be patient when you need to hurry. Learning and silly, until the end unable to learn more.
"But what should you do to avoid this loss? -must do what he did with fear: he must defy his clarity and use it only to watch and wait with patience and tact ante measure take other steps, must think, above all, clarity is almost a mistake. And there will come a time when you realize that clarity is only one point before his eyes. And thus he will overcome his second enemy, and sores to a position where nothing can damage it. That will not be a mistake nor an illusion. There is only one point before his eyes. That will really power.
will know then that power so long is finally his persecution. You can do what he pleases with it. His ally is his command. That is the rule. Is clear and even all that is around. But it has also come across his third enemy: the power !(...)"
Well, the words of Don Juan does not cease to be controversial for the training we have received the most people, how can clarity of mind to be an enemy, an obstacle to knowledge? And yet we could understand it from one place. The reason, logic, systems of thought, mere "thinking" is the first tool that believe to reach new levels of knowledge of evolution. Perhaps we have not recognized that the most widespread and accepted faith is not in any religion, but faith in reason. And the reason is the priority factor to predict, anticipate, is a control mechanism, the first of whom are workers. Thus, the prediction made by thought, a kind of security grows in us because we live in an illusion of "clarity."
Then, if the interaction between "A" and "B" infer the presence of "C" let us say, we seek not to learn, is not evolving, what we have done is go in search of corroborating something that the reason he had predicted.
Today sees the accepted idea that the world is a school, we incarnate to learn. And so we are told that there are levels that are more advanced souls than others. The ego is sympathetic to this idea. A subtle kind of layers of souls appears as a ranking scheme where we are closer or farther from the light. At some point we wonder what we do to further evolve, we read that 2012 closes a cycle "school" and who can tell us if we grade? If alumni or repeat? In the midst of trying to make guesses walking and generally reached such a conclusion: "I have
learn to forgive. "I have to learn to overcome the ego.
"I have to do what I
" I have to learn to meditate.
"I have to learn to accept.
"I have to learn to set boundaries.
"I have to learn to love.
"I have to learn .....( the list goes on)
Then come the how to address each of those" I have ...", ie technical formula of words and / or mantras. With all our strength, we end up making the mystery of life, an operation of limited intellect, sound reasoning flimsy building with a consistency often final. Clearly want more than anything in the world, what we see is that this clearly power is an illusion, an illusion of domination over life on the terms that we own and are not even really ours.
The Sufi teachings say that the most difficult and narrow the world, but the only one worth starting, is one that goes from our heads to our hearts. But the head seems to have much reasoning "acute", interesting, dressed really distracts us, and who can honestly say without doubt that what he thinks is truly yours ...?
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