We are so full of information about things and about ourselves, we walk the path lost ignorance, alienated from the world soul, the soul of things and our own soul. Extra-stray and lethargic, possessed of a knowledge ex-centric with aroma and flavor consistency.
Dog, flower, tree, person, rock, river ... are only concepts that foreshadow a perceptual information, while we away from the real essence of what is perceived, so that the source of learning is set to the perceived object duality / perceiving subject, keeping out of true knowledge ... (...)
concerns the planet's evolution, the universe and all life and vibrancy. Everything in life comes together in a single song with the sound of the cosmos, which, we are only a tiny part. Because from the tiniest particle to a star, going by the ant, flower, man and mountain, are the same and are closely inter-related ... But we're proud not learn anything as errant bags full of information, with big eyes and apricots are not not listen. Perhaps, in a fleeting moment you wake up and live a little miracle of nature, feels that everything has a voice, a rationale, a moment, a birth, death, rebirth, that everything vibrates and moves in constant rhythm, that all matter speaks, moans, communicates its vibration and striving for progress and life.
(..) Today everyone goes crazy for teaching and a teacher, it strikes me that what we need is a "desenseñador" someone who, as to the character of Hinton in their scientific reports on the fourth dimension, to help us unlearn and eradicate all these conventions that hamper development in us our potential, all our tenderness and our entire humanity. That is the master key function of every teacher who truly is, as they were from Lao Tse to Bakunin, passing by Diogenes, Socrates, Spinoza, Schrödinger and Heisenberg. For what is not "desenseñar" Krishnamurtri making when he says that the image one has of reality is different and distinct from reality itself, or when he says that intellectual understanding is like saying bananas? Is not it proposes desenseñar Lao Tse when he says: "I confess that there is nothing to show ... today I speak in a way and tomorrow another, but the road is always beyond words and mind. I know simply aware of the unity of things "? (...)
Hinton, the creator of the term "desenseñador" ("Unlearning" in the original), narrated that our mental space (does our consciousness, our spirit?) Is hiperespeso, and we prevent us crossing the threshold of the third dimension, and operating on higher dimensions (the fourth. fifth or nth dimension), a force regarded as absolute truths, which are only limiting conventions that we ourselves have built and take for granted. (...)
Our three-dimensional bodies resist the existence of other dimensions, and it is precisely this resistance to enslave ourselves to this third dimension. The fourth dimension, the fifth or the hundredth, there are new dimensions, the only thing that makes them new is the fact that science, from quantum theories today, the opening in the light of possibility. But these dimensions are as eternal as we are, and have been for humanity ... (...)
's connect with our "desenseñador" and go out for a walk: "As the world can reveal itself as particles, the path may be revealed as human beings. Although the world and the particles are not the same thing Nor are they different. Although the cosmic body and your body are not the same, neither are they different. Worlds and particles, bodies and beings, time and space: these are transient expressions of the road. Invisible, impalpable, the road is beyond any attempt at analysis and classification. At the same time, the truth is there where you're headed. If you leave from your mind and surround it with your heart, live inside you forever. "Lao Tse, the author of these words was a great desenseñador. Each of us has within it its own.'s Hear it.
(. ..) The art of unlearning is an experiential process arduous, whose passage requires an initiatory experience drain and dispossession, of death and rebirth, that challenges the deepest part of us and permeates our daily lives, a state of alert and harmonious life, disrupting our news routine and getting closer to a real encounter of our being, in a jubilant awakening of communion with life.
(...) The art of unlearning is a process of emptying, of death and rebirth, which leads to freedom.
Excerpts from the book: "The masks of the self or from robot to person" Carmen Moreno
Martin aka "Hannah"
Martin aka "Hannah"

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