He was a man with many hours traveling on foot and was really tired and sweaty under the relentless sun of India. Exhausted and unable to go a step further, lay to rest under a leafy tree. The ground was hard and thought how nice man it would have a bed. It turns out that this was a celestial tree which grants wishes and thoughts come true. So the point man appeared a comfortable cama.El fell on it and was enjoying the soft bed when he thought how pleasant it would give him a massage girl in his tired legs. When a beautiful young woman appeared who began to provide it with a soothing massage. Well rested, was hungry and thought how pleasant it would be able to enjoy a tasty and hearty meal. The event appeared to him the most delicious dishes. The man ate his fill and was very happy. Suddenly he was struck one thought: "Now See now, if a tiger attacked me!" There was a tiger and ate it.
night And when I came home, someone with an Arabic accent came up to tell the following story: A curious
wanted to know what it was heaven and hell. His obsession was increased, until one night he dreamed that someone invited him to visit a country where there was a large pot full of delicious delicacies. About that pot was a group of people, all sad, thin and ugly. When kept looking, found that all had in hand a spoon too long, so that no could take it to the mouth. "We are in hell," said the guide.

Then it announced that it would meet the sky. Suddenly, the man, astonished, saw that everything seemed to be exactly the same as before: people with long spoons and pot with plenty of food. But everyone was happy, looked healthy and well fed. When you set better, what was the difference observed: there were feeding each other.
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