Christopher Tolkien talks about Sigurd and Gudrun
In this series of questions and answers Christopher talks about the difficulty of writing alliterative verses that make up this story (with a metric very tight and sturdy), consisting of two long poems on which he says has not that perform most editing or proofreading work. Christopher comments that have been encouraged to publish this work now because he has had more time, since the end of The History of Middle-earth to prepare the edition. Christopher
really concerned that this work is not anything like most fans, since it is not about Middle-earth (although see the powerful influence that this work influenced the later mythology that Tolkien created) and mainly because it is written in verse, with a complex structure.
also have time to discuss why he wrote The Silmarillion as he did: first, because he had agreed to do with his father, and secondly, because they show the evolution of mythology (as subsequently supplemented with work in The History of Middle-earth ) would confuse readers, so he decided to work on a text "principal" that show the essence of the work, selecting and arranging his father's original in which a He was a minimal coherence. "After its publication," he continues, "I began what at first was a purely private study, A History of The Silmarillion, a thorough investigation and analysis of each page and passage in the writings of my father, leaving no stone without lifting, and while it evolved over the years became greatly enlarged in the History of Middle-earth in 12 books, which finally finished in 1996. In this he reveals the relationship between The Silmarillion published and the vast mass of writings of which was derived - but, of course, there [are] all the reasons and justifications for how they conducted the work. "
About The Children of Húrin said that the intention was to publish his father's 3 of the stories of The Silmarillion in separate volumes, and the most complete and "easier" to edit was for Christopher, the story of Turin Turambar .
Finally, Christopher says he does not remember to have corrected the errors in The Hobbit as a child, although his father said in a of his letters that he did, "so it must be true." She remembers how his father sent him the original Lord of the Rings as the writing was, as Christopher was fighting in World War II.
A really interesting read. If anyone is encouraged to translate the entire interview, please send it to us or post in the forum for those who can not read English can read it.
From: Elfenomeno - May 5, 2009
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