Silent Knowledge
... Witchcraft is the use of energy epecializado. View witchcraft from the point of view the common man is either an idiot or do an unfathomable mystery. The average man lacks the energy to deal with witchcraft ... ... Think again. Not that you are learning witchcraft, what you are doing is to save energy. Sorcery is a state of consciousness. Sorcery is the ability to perceive what the common perception can not grasp ...
... Impeccability is simply the best use of our energy ... ... For the wise man is incocebible there is an invisible point where the perception is embedded. And more inconceivable is that this point is not in the brain, as might be suppose if he were to accept the idea of \u200b\u200bits existence. The wise man in his abysmal ignorance, ignoring for example that witchcraft is not a matter of incantations and hocus-pocus, but it is about freedom to perceive not only the world that we take for granted, but everything that is humanly possible. ..
.. No witchcraft, no evil or the devil. There is only perception ...
.... The current position of the assemblage point is what makes the modern man is a selfish murderer, a totally trapped in his own image. Having lost all hope of returning to silent knowledge, man seeks comfort in his self. And it gets fixed its point of attachment to the most convenient place to perpetuate his image ...
.... The current position of the point of attachment to the man and the image of itself, require the assemblage point to assemble a world of false compassion, but very real cruelty and selfishness. In that world, the only real feelings are those who agree to have them. For the warlock not having compassion is not to be cruel. Not having compassion is the wisdom, the opposite of self-pity and self-importance ....
... The importance is that the assemblage point fixed ....
... Sorcerers say that we are in a bubble. A bubble in which we are placed at the moment of our birth. At first it is open, but then begins to close until we have sealed inside. That bubble is perception. We live inside that bubble lifetime. And what we witness in its round walls is our own reflection ....
... The average man seeks certainty in the eyes of the onlooker and calls that self-confidence. The impeccable warrior seeks his own eyes and calls that humbleness. The average man is hooked to their neighbors, while the warrior only depends on itself. Confidence means knowing anything with certainty; Humility means to be impeccable in their own actions and feelings ...
... Now I know the humility of the warrior is not the humbleness of a beggar. The warrior lowers his head to anyone, but at the same time does not allow anyone to bend his head to him ...
.... I like the humility of a beggar, "she said softly. Head down to the right ...
.... Changing our world view is the key to witchcraft. And the only way is to stop the internal dialogue ...
search ... Your failure is convenient explanations, explanations that fit you and your world ...
.... The world is as it is, just because we talk to ourselves about this is how it is ....
... A teacher does not press his apprentice. That just promote obsession and morbidity.
... So long ago I told you I do not understand what it must feel a teacher. I only know the humility of the warrior, and that I would never be the master of none ...
... Things are real only when one has learned to agree that they are real ...
.... That's the trouble with words. Always force us to feel enlightened, but when we turn to face the world will always fail us and we ended up facing the world as we've always done: without illumination. Therefore a precise witch act rather than talk, and to make it gets a new description of the world: a description in which speech is not so important and where new acts have new reflections ....
... You're like you because you tell yourself that you are well ...
... The life of a warrior can not in any way be cold and lonely and feeling, because it is based on affection, devotion, dedication to your loved one: The earth ...
... Only if one loves this earth with unbending passion can get rid of sadness. A warrior is always joyful because his beloved, the earth, embraces him and gives him inconceivable things. The sadness belongs only those who hate the same being granted asylum ...
... The first truth says that the world is as it seems and yet it is not. The world is an illusion as we have said is, is real and unreal some of the other ...
... living beings exist only to increase the awareness of being ...
... The reason is not the man for energy. Reason deals with instruments that create energy, but it has never seriously occurred to reason that we are better than instruments: we are organisms to create energy ...
... Death is our eternal companion. It's always on our left, an arm's length ...
... Death is the only wise adviser that we have. Every time you feel that everything is going wrong and you're about to be annihilated, turn to your death and ask if it is true. Your death will tell you you're wrong, that nothing really matters outside its touch. Your death will say: "I have not played yet" ...
....¿ Why should the world as you think it is? Who gave you authority to say that? ...
... Feeling important makes one heavy, clumsy and vain. To be a warrior one needs to be light and fluid ...
... A warrior takes responsibility for his actions. Even the most trivial. An average man never takes responsibility for what he does ...
... All ways are equal. Get us nowhere. So choose a path with heart! ...
... The art of a hunter is to become inaccessible. Be inaccessible means to play as much as possible the world around you. And that means no secrets to hide or walk. Nor does it mean you can not deal with people ... A hunter does not have routines ...
... Unfortunately the changes are very difficult and occur very slowly, a man sometimes takes years to realize the need to change ...
... Put your attention on the tie that binds you to your death, without remorse or sadness or worrying. Focus your attention on the fact that you do not have time and let your acts flow agree with that ...
... Seek perfection of the spirit of the warrior is the only task worthy ... The mood of a warrior is controlled while it is abandoned.
... A warrior may be damaged, but no offense. For a warrior there is nothing offensive about the acts of his fellows while he himself is in the right mood. Achieve the spirit of the warrior is not a simple matter. It is a revolution. Puma considered equal to the water rats and our fellow is a magnificent act of the warrior spirit. It needs to be able to carry it out ....
... I'm as young as I want. If you're joining to your body can do amazing feats. In contrast, if dissipate power, you get old and fat of the overnight ...
... What determines the way one does anything is personal power. A man is the sum of his personal power, and that sum determines how he lives and how he dies ...
... A warrior is impeccable when he trusts his personal power regardless of the small or large ...
... Contemplate every path closely, then ask yourself this question: What brings me the heart for this route? If it does, then the path is good. If not, it's useless ....
.... the common man cares if things are true or false. The warrior. The common man if you say things are true, he acts and believes in what he does. But if they say they are not true, it matters not act or does not believe in what he does. A warrior acts in both cases. If you say things are certain acts to be done. If you say that certain acts are not doing ....
... Being a warrior is not just a question to desire. It is rather an endless struggle that will continue until the last moment of our lives. Nobody is born a warrior like no man is ordinary. We who are to do one or the other ...
More Info:
* Clicking here can download all the books of Carlos Castaneda and others on Shamanism. Among them is "The Sorcerers' Crossing" by Taisha Abelard who was also an apprentice of Don Juan.

* Clicking here can download all the books of Carlos Castaneda and others on Shamanism. Among them is "The Sorcerers' Crossing" by Taisha Abelard who was also an apprentice of Don Juan.
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