Variation on a theme of Genesis in key Ainulindalë .

In the beginning Eru music. Eru, the One, created all music.
Eru took the harp and vibrating its strings first said EA! , in Elvish means is . At that time shines ieron sounds that spread through the air. Eru heard that music was beautiful light, the spread of dark silence, and called the first days and the second night . And there was music and silence the first day.
Eru played the harp again and said EA! . S urg Iero n then notes separated celestial melodies of eternal flow. Eru heard that the sky was beautiful symphony called sky. And there was music and silence, the second day.
Eru again blew the harp and said EA! . Arpeggios fluids began to congregate, resulting in solid and firm line qu e were heard first to time. Eru called the meeting seas arpeggios, and chords stable earth, and heard that Eru arpeggios and chords were beautiful.
still holding the harp, struck Eru their ropes and said EA! . Then gushed from the chords notes never heard, and the notes grew lush harmonies laden sounds fruitful. Eru heard the pitch was beautiful. And there was music and silence: a third day.
He resumed the harp and dij Eru or EA! . Then shone in the celestial symphony fiery issue which was not consumed, and a cool pale counterpoint composition is reflected . This was accompanied by acute sixteenth note innumerable twinkling around them. Eru heard that the pace was beautiful. And there was music and sil Encio fourth day.
Tano Eru ar the pa and said EA! . Under the celestial symphony could be heard chirping; in flowing arpeggios ripple com new countries, and both were ordered ring and play the theme with variations. Eru heard that the concert was beautiful. And there was music and silence the fifth day.
Eru Strum the strings of the harp and said EA! . Chords on the firm ran high and low voices, some whistling, others roamed. Eru heard that polyphony was beautiful.
Then, in silence, Eru stroked the strings of the harp. fluid arpeggios and s sniffed chords mixed forming a new composition. And for the first time, sang Eru. Eru created a glorious song and called Atan , as Adam Sindarin, meaning man. The only song Divine Note holder should rule over every song.
Eru heard that music as a whole was very beautiful. And there was music and silence the sixth day.
Eru left the seventh day and rested the harp.
This is the origin of Music Eru created.
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