JRR Tolkien, a Catholic .. . and traditional versus modern

"In the field of modern Catholic history, are certain archetypes that, arguably, are reflected in The Lord of the Rings in the way he described. Those who are A-examine the age of faith, or the organic state; Church versus State B-, C-the great king, D-the advent of modernity and the king martyr, E-restoration (successfully or with varying success).
The concept of society as an organic whole with no conflicts of class, community structure, has characterized Catholic social thought since the time of the Roman Empire. In many respects, the Shire represents perfectly the political and economic ideals of the Church, expressed by Leo XIII in Rerum Novarum and Pius XI enn Quadragesino anno. Traditional authority (the Thain), limited except in times of crisis, popular representation (the Mayor of Michel Delving), equally limited, subsidiarity and, above all, minimal organization and conflict. It's the kind of society envisioned by Belloc and Chesterton distributists ...
The concept of society as an organic whole with no conflicts of class, community structure, has characterized Catholic social thought since the time of the Roman Empire. In many respects, the Shire represents perfectly the political and economic ideals of the Church, expressed by Leo XIII in Rerum Novarum and Pius XI enn Quadragesino anno. Traditional authority (the Thain), limited except in times of crisis, popular representation (the Mayor of Michel Delving), equally limited, subsidiarity and, above all, minimal organization and conflict. It's the kind of society envisioned by Belloc and Chesterton distributists ...
In the age of faith, although both Church and State were devoted more or less the same purposes, often differed on the means to achieve them. Even then human nature and greed sow discord. Sometimes life and death struggle with Islam was hampered by such disputes. In The Lord of the Rings we see a reflection of these struggles in the tension between Gandalf and Denethor II. Gandalf actually heavily involved in the nature of the papacy. He belongs to no nation, and in a very literal sense is the leader of all free people and believers. This is because their power is magical rather than temporary, as the Pope is sacramental. Denethor's interest is entirely domestic. Your statement that "nothing in the world where we now live a higher goal than the good of Gondor, Gandalf replies," I no government in any kingdom, nor in that of Gondor nor any other large or small. But I worry all the things of value that are endangered in the world today ... So I too am a Senecal. " So Boniface VIII could have talked to Philip the Fair, or Gregory VII to Henry IV or Innocent III to King John. TamabiƩn Gandalf reminds the Fisher King of the legends of the Grail, a symbol of Peter in the boat.
Moreover, the Catholic imagination was always haunted by the image of the great kings, like Arthur, San Fernando III and St. Louis IX. To them they had the prototype of what should be a good leader ... The aforementioned surveys destroyed Catholic unity, divided society and destroyed many beautiful things. The border closures and other economic measures put an end to the communal nature of Western society. The major current events of those forces of modernity are capitalism and communism, with everything they stand ...
social ideas to which we referred earlier been disproved by historical events. His final as fact transformed it into hope. That hope ended up focusing on the cause of the deposed sovereign, who, with his return to power, would put things in place ... Thus, the Jacobites fought for the Stuarts in 1689-1690, 1715.1719 and 1745-1746, in Spain's Carlist rebelled 1833-1839, during the decades of 1840 and 1850 and 1872-1876. Also played a key role in the English Civil War on the Nationalist side. Maintained Chuans & Sell a guerrilla war against the French Republic throughout the Revolution flourishes even today French realism. The Miguel de Portugal continued their campaign of agitation against the monarchy liberal first and then and to date against the republic. After the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Habsburg supporters have nurtured dreams of restoration ...
any case, these people longed for the restoration to restore the prominence of the Church, contain industry and revive the smallholders and the old social order ...
Aragorn has succeeded where Charles and the others failed. Instead of defeat and mourning in the field of Culloden, we have the victory and rejoice in the field of Cormallen. Media on earth, "good old cause" triumphs. The Dunedain, so similar in their history to the Jacobites, Carlist and loyalists, they get the final victory. De Young Pretender, Aragorn becomes Charlemagne, restorer of the Empire. In fact, his restored kingdom has much in common with the Carolingian Renaissance. It is no exaggeration to say that that is what every Catholic has in mind when considering political issues. Middle-earth in all things end well for the king is solace on track.
Other symbols: the forces of Lord Dark can represent not only modernity, but also Islam, former great enemy of Christianity, the Tower Guard, Minas Tirith, can be seen as a symbol of the Church militant, the Res Publica Christiana ...
For all those hallmarks Lord of the Rings is a Catholic certainly work as its author thought, but not all. It is the great epic of this era Catholic, worthy to stand beside the Grail legends, The deaths of Arthur and The Canterbury Tales. Tolkien conceived his work both as a great consolation to the Catholic as an individual and a tribute to the greatness and lasting power of the Catholic tradition. In an era that has seen the almost complete rejection of faith by the civilization it created, the losing of the faith of many lay Catholics and the apparent uncertainty among the hierarchy, The Lord of the Rings assures us, both its existence and for its message, that darkness will not succeed forever. "
(Charles A. Coulombe. The Lord of the Rings: A Catholic perspective on JRR Tolkien's Lord of Middle Earth. Pearce.Ed Joseph Edition Minotaur)
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