Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hair Straightener Infomercial

The Music of Eru

Variation on a theme of Genesis in key Ainulindalë .

In the beginning Eru music. Eru, the One, created all music.

Eru took the harp and vibrating its strings first said EA! , in Elvish means is . At that time shines ieron sounds that spread through the air. Eru heard that music was beautiful light, the spread of dark silence, and called the first days and the second night . And there was music and silence the first day.

Eru played the harp again and said EA! . S urg Iero n then notes separated celestial melodies of eternal flow. Eru heard that the sky was beautiful symphony called sky. And there was music and silence, the second day.

Eru again blew the harp and said EA! . Arpeggios fluids began to congregate, resulting in solid and firm line qu e were heard first to time. Eru called the meeting seas arpeggios, and chords stable earth, and heard that Eru arpeggios and chords were beautiful.

still holding the harp, struck Eru their ropes and said EA! . Then gushed from the chords notes never heard, and the notes grew lush harmonies laden sounds fruitful. Eru heard the pitch was beautiful. And there was music and silence: a third day.

He resumed the harp and dij Eru or EA! . Then shone in the celestial symphony fiery issue which was not consumed, and a cool pale counterpoint composition is reflected . This was accompanied by acute sixteenth note innumerable twinkling around them. Eru heard that the pace was beautiful. And there was music and sil Encio fourth day.

Tano Eru ar the pa and said EA! . Under the celestial symphony could be heard chirping; in flowing arpeggios ripple com new countries, and both were ordered ring and play the theme with variations. Eru heard that the concert was beautiful. And there was music and silence the fifth day.

Eru Strum the strings of the harp and said EA! . Chords on the firm ran high and low voices, some whistling, others roamed. Eru heard that polyphony was beautiful.

Then, in silence, Eru stroked the strings of the harp. fluid arpeggios and s sniffed chords mixed forming a new composition. And for the first time, sang Eru. Eru created a glorious song and called Atan , as Adam Sindarin, meaning man. The only song Divine Note holder should rule over every song.

Eru heard that music as a whole was very beautiful. And there was music and silence the sixth day.

Eru left the seventh day and rested the harp.

This is the origin of Music Eru created.

Reprinted from Papers of Ruth

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Metformin Egg White Cervical Mucus


Monday, December 14, 2009

Alcohol Catering License

Why use them?


  • Reusable
  • 100% recyclable
  • Economic
  • Washable
  • Ecological 1 bag, replace plastic bags at 4
  • has a life approximately 2 years
  • Save 600 plastic bags for life
  • Different styles
  • You can customize

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Gay Hookup Spots Tempe


View more presentations from Hermann Pargas Meza . Yesenia Lopez

Friday, December 11, 2009

Virtual Bmx Bike Painter

regular use of plastic bags

The People's Ministry for the Environment, will present a resolution to regulate the use of plastic bags and packaging due to serious pollution problem causing the excessive use of this material. The information was released by the Deputy Minister of Environmental Conservation, said that this resolution shall be accompanied by a proposal to gradually replace these containers for biodegradable. The time it takes to decompose a plastic bag is 150 years on average, and when burned produce dozens of toxic smoke emanating from combustion altering human health.

Disposal of bags affect hundreds of marine species that die each year from poisoning, suffocation and starvation, while recycling costs are still high. "This initiative is based on the replacement of the bags plastic bags biodegradable materials, the aim is to reverse the environmental damage they cause and thus contribute to the world. "
To learn more visit:

Candy For Encouragement


By: Manuel Rodriguez Becerra. Weather columnist

have a life of 1,000 years and are between half and one trillion plastic bags anual.La is a symbol of comfort: serves, among hundreds of uses to haul market and a variety of products including trash receptacle and beach bag, and also to collect thanks dog. Unfortunately, this gadget available and extremely useful is also a symbol of environmental degradation.
plastic bags, with its great ubiquity, have permeated all corners of the Earth. We see them in public parks and streets, in the middle of the countryside, the desert and the dense jungle, strung on a tree branch or a cable of light floating in the air and wandering rivers, streams, lakes and seas. According to Blue Ocean Society for the Conservation of Sea 46,000 pieces of plastic litter floating on every square mile of sea surface, and about 100,000 marine mammals and one million birds die annually to eat or get caught in its web.
The most serious is that the plastic bags, made mainly from oil and gas, have an estimated life of 1,000 years, before breaking into small toxic particles. Thus, the invasion of this trash has a way of accumulation alarming for the future: according to the Environmental Agency of the United States today are produced in the world between 500,000 million and a trillion plastic bags per year. Some countries have tried
voluntary reduction of use by consumers and businesses, including its replacement by substitutes. The failure has been colossal and, for example, in the United States, its use has increased fivefold between 1980 and 2005 to rise today to 100,000 million plastic bags annually, of which only recycles about 1 percent, the rest goes to landfills or pollute the space around us.
The failure of voluntarism has prompted many governments to issue binding regulations. In 2001, Ireland imposed a tax on plastic bags reduced their consumption by 90 percent. In turn, Taiwan is not allows free supply of supermarkets, and the United Kingdom has proposed a ban. During the past year, there has been a growing movement to restrict their use in U.S. cities like San Francisco, Boston, Baltimore and New York, the latter city that beat all department stores and retail chains the reciclarlas.En required to collect and Colombia, it is urgent to stop the invasion of plastic garbage in the entire national territory, beyond San Andres and Providencia, the place where they have already taken some steps. Some say it's a luxury that only rich nations can be unaware that many developing countries are fighting back, as Bangladesh, China, Kenya, South Africa and Thailand. In China, banned the manufacture, sale and use of plastic bags with a thickness less than 0.00098 inch, or the typical stock-market and the free provision of those thicker. The regulation, issued on Dec. 31, urges citizens to "return to cloth bags and baskets to market." Require a national and local levels to combat the scourge caused by plastic bags to the environment . Both the Ministry of Environment as the new mayors of large cities and regional autonomous corporations have the great challenge and the obligation to establish regulations to substantially reduce its use, which, in addition to solving a serious problem of pollution, would serve to educate citizens on ways to more sustainable consumption and landscape protection.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Red Flower British Army

JRR Tolkien, a Catholic .. . and traditional versus modern

"In the field of modern Catholic history, are certain archetypes that, arguably, are reflected in The Lord of the Rings in the way he described. Those who are A-examine the age of faith, or the organic state; Church versus State B-, C-the great king, D-the advent of modernity and the king martyr, E-restoration (successfully or with varying success).
The concept of society as an organic whole with no conflicts of class, community structure, has characterized Catholic social thought since the time of the Roman Empire. In many respects, the Shire represents perfectly the political and economic ideals of the Church, expressed by Leo XIII in Rerum Novarum and Pius XI enn Quadragesino anno. Traditional authority (the Thain), limited except in times of crisis, popular representation (the Mayor of Michel Delving), equally limited, subsidiarity and, above all, minimal organization and conflict. It's the kind of society envisioned by Belloc and Chesterton distributists ...
In the age of faith, although both Church and State were devoted more or less the same purposes, often differed on the means to achieve them. Even then human nature and greed sow discord. Sometimes life and death struggle with Islam was hampered by such disputes. In The Lord of the Rings we see a reflection of these struggles in the tension between Gandalf and Denethor II. Gandalf actually heavily involved in the nature of the papacy. He belongs to no nation, and in a very literal sense is the leader of all free people and believers. This is because their power is magical rather than temporary, as the Pope is sacramental. Denethor's interest is entirely domestic. Your statement that "nothing in the world where we now live a higher goal than the good of Gondor, Gandalf replies," I no government in any kingdom, nor in that of Gondor nor any other large or small. But I worry all the things of value that are endangered in the world today ... So I too am a Senecal. " So Boniface VIII could have talked to Philip the Fair, or Gregory VII to Henry IV or Innocent III to King John. Tamabién Gandalf reminds the Fisher King of the legends of the Grail, a symbol of Peter in the boat.
Moreover, the Catholic imagination was always haunted by the image of the great kings, like Arthur, San Fernando III and St. Louis IX. To them they had the prototype of what should be a good leader ... The aforementioned surveys destroyed Catholic unity, divided society and destroyed many beautiful things. The border closures and other economic measures put an end to the communal nature of Western society. The major current events of those forces of modernity are capitalism and communism, with everything they stand ...
social ideas to which we referred earlier been disproved by historical events. His final as fact transformed it into hope. That hope ended up focusing on the cause of the deposed sovereign, who, with his return to power, would put things in place ... Thus, the Jacobites fought for the Stuarts in 1689-1690, 1715.1719 and 1745-1746, in Spain's Carlist rebelled 1833-1839, during the decades of 1840 and 1850 and 1872-1876. Also played a key role in the English Civil War on the Nationalist side. Maintained Chuans & Sell a guerrilla war against the French Republic throughout the Revolution flourishes even today French realism. The Miguel de Portugal continued their campaign of agitation against the monarchy liberal first and then and to date against the republic. After the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Habsburg supporters have nurtured dreams of restoration ...
any case, these people longed for the restoration to restore the prominence of the Church, contain industry and revive the smallholders and the old social order ...
Aragorn has succeeded where Charles and the others failed. Instead of defeat and mourning in the field of Culloden, we have the victory and rejoice in the field of Cormallen. Media on earth, "good old cause" triumphs. The Dunedain, so similar in their history to the Jacobites, Carlist and loyalists, they get the final victory. De Young Pretender, Aragorn becomes Charlemagne, restorer of the Empire. In fact, his restored kingdom has much in common with the Carolingian Renaissance. It is no exaggeration to say that that is what every Catholic has in mind when considering political issues. Middle-earth in all things end well for the king is solace on track.
Other symbols: the forces of Lord Dark can represent not only modernity, but also Islam, former great enemy of Christianity, the Tower Guard, Minas Tirith, can be seen as a symbol of the Church militant, the Res Publica Christiana ...
For all those hallmarks Lord of the Rings is a Catholic certainly work as its author thought, but not all. It is the great epic of this era Catholic, worthy to stand beside the Grail legends, The deaths of Arthur and The Canterbury Tales. Tolkien conceived his work both as a great consolation to the Catholic as an individual and a tribute to the greatness and lasting power of the Catholic tradition. In an era that has seen the almost complete rejection of faith by the civilization it created, the losing of the faith of many lay Catholics and the apparent uncertainty among the hierarchy, The Lord of the Rings assures us, both its existence and for its message, that darkness will not succeed forever. "

(Charles A. Coulombe. The Lord of the Rings: A Catholic perspective on JRR Tolkien's Lord of Middle Earth. Pearce.Ed Joseph Edition Minotaur)


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Unhandled Exception Gta


Monday, November 16, 2009

How To Roll A Neckerchif

As we all know, the water is vital for life on planet earth. Water pollution and excessive use us not only creates imbalances in our daily lives, but in different plant and animal kingdoms of our home, planet earth.
The fresh water we can consume only 2.5% of water on earth, the sea water is 97.5% and due to the minerals it contains can not be consumed and process
desalination is expensive, salt extraction produce salt residues and contaminants that may affect our animals and plants.

The p rincipal water pollutants are organic waste (organic waste produced by human-read BOD - ) pathogens (different bacteria, viruses and other organisms that cause diseases such as cholera, hepatitis, typhoid, gastroenteritis), inorganic chemicals (acids, salts and toxic metals like mercury and lead) , inorganic plant nutrients (nitrates and phosphates that cause eutrophication ) organic compounds (oil, plastics, pesticides, detergents) ,
sediments and suspended materials, radioactive substances and thermal pollution .

The issue is long and gives to speak. But the idea is to go to the conciseness.
What can we do from our place to reduce water pollution?
The idea is to devote ourselves to what concerns us personally, organic waste and organic compounds.
Here leave tips for reducing water consumption, reuse, reducing the consumption of polluting substances, and other tips.
The change is made to all: If we all change our habits and other healthier and more connected with the environment and teach this to our children, the future perspective is different.


  • The water in flower vases or other containers can be reused for irrigation.
  • While the washer is emptying the washing, you can place the hose into a bucket or basin and then reuse the water - greywater - instead of pressing the button in the bathroom, fully discharging water clean and reuse the soapy water. The same if you wash clothes by hand, or watering plants, and the soap not affected.
  • If we wash the vegetables in a bowl of water can be reused for other purposes: to clean shoes, water etc.
  • When boiling vegetables in a pot, water can be reused for irrigation, thus saving on consumption and give you more nutrients to our plants.
  • can locate the little hose from the air conditioning in a can, bottle or bucket and then let it cool for reuse by irrigation or other.

b.Disminución use

  • When we brush our teeth, turn off the faucet until We do not runs and rinses clean, pure water through the pipes.
  • to wash dishes in for us to wash by hand, first things soap, then rinse them all together. If a container is best, so we reuse the water for another thing (bathing, irrigation, laundry, etc). If you use a dishwasher, use it only when full.
  • bañemos When we do not let the water run, go into the shower as soon as possible, remember that many liters of clean water that is lost. Where possible, in times of extreme heat, turn off the tap in the time soaping and then reopen it only when I need to rinse.
  • use water for irrigation and used previously (see "1.Reutilización)
  • not empty water jugs or bottles, the water does not rot in 2 days and less in the refrigerator.

c.Disminución in the use of water pollutants

  • detergents, plastics and derivatives, pesticides, solvents, bleaches fall into the category Organic Compounds that contribute to pollute our environment. Having been created by man, it takes hundreds of years to degrade as its internal structure is complex and difficult to degrade by agencies therefore are recorded in the polluted water and stay there. The more complex the soap or detergent, is more likely to be more damaging to the environment. Opt for the use of soap, shampoo, detergents and other more natural (soap white bread) or to suggest that non-polluting.

Some systems developed to conserve water

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Is A Black Bowel Movement Bad

David Wilcock ... about 2012

David Wilcock outlines here his view of the time as advertised and that generates so many expectations and uncertainties.
is worth pausing a moment and hear what he has to say about it ....

Note: If there are no subtitles, in the right corner, below, you can turn on subtitles in English.

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Last Urine Drops Painful

Vilayanur S. "Rama" Ramachandran - Neuroscience

Vilayanur S. "Rama" Ramachandran is a neurologist known for his work in the fields of neurology behavior and psychophysics. He is currently director of the Center for Brain and Cognition, a professor in the department of psychology and neuroscience curriculum at the University of California, San Diego, and adjunct professor of biology at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies
an interesting discussion here whose last order to shed light on the human capacity to call creativity.
(Clicking on View subtitles, select Spain)

More Info: neurology and neuropsychology here, you will find a very clear approach to this branch of science, recommended text.
Source: Intra Med

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How Many Days Before Period Is Implantation

Books of interest ... Literary News

Tolkien, Lord of Middle Earth

"How extraordinary, I thought, though Tolkien does not a single reference to Jesus Christ in any of the three thick volumes of The Lord of the Rings, his face can be seen almost every page."

Tolkien, Señor de la Tierra Media
Tolkien, Middle Earth Lord

"How extraordinary, I thought, though Tolkien does not a single reference to Jesus Christ in any of the three thick volumes The Lord of the Rings, his face can be seen almost every page. " It says the popular novelist Stephen Lawhead, one of 15 authors selected by Joseph Pearce to highlight the Catholicism of an author who has broken like no divorce between faith and culture.

This is not just a book for readers of Tolkien. It is a book that should have all high school literature teachers and that's a compelling book for all Catholics who love Tolkien. It is an essential book for anyone interested in understanding a formula, a style that has come with the famous divorce between faith and culture: the style of the Inklings, a group of Christian writers Oxford focused on CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien and Owen Barfield.

When this Christmas the first of three films of The Lord of the Rings sweeps theaters around the world, with pale-such a myth-a contemporary as The Star Wars, JRR Tolkien will be a classic literature to become a mass phenomenon, and one that lasts. An educated youth without ideals will be seduced by Middle Earth and its values, transported to a place where life, death, heroism or sacrifice still make sense. For many, their first contact with Christian art, and probably never will notice. Is work scholars, teachers, people with responsibility for culture to take note of this phenomenon, to know and learn from it.

Joseph Pearce's book, American Catholic journalist and biographer of another great English Catholic writer GK Chesterton is, arrives just in time and is a bet by the Editorial Minotauro Tolkien get recognition as a literary and cultural importance . Among the writers are specialists Jesuits, the greatest exponent of the current Christian heroic fantasy (Stephen Lawhead), people who personally knew the British author and secretary of CS Lewis, himself a convert to Catholicism. This is a book for show that the Catholic culture can conquer the masses without fussiness, without complexes, but knowing that you create, first of all and inexcusably, Art.


PEARCE, Joseph. JRR Tolkien, Lord of Middle Earth, Ed Minotaur (, Issue 1 September 2001, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b234 pages.


What Color Shutters On A Light Blue House

Eagle Flight

As if the eyes are open, leaving behind a dream to discover

As if it were a form of death and rebirth,
die to new life, living to an early death,
and move on.
Eagle Eye
climb to heaven and look
disdains the fragments, known only

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Friday, August 14, 2009

Bath Houses In Sacramento

The Dalai Lama answers a question ...

" ... The basic human problem is the lack of compassion. While this problem continues, other problems continue to exist. If resolved, the happiest days we can expect ... "

" ... If we master our mind, happiness will come.
make mistakes when emotions invade and lead to evil deeds ... "

" ... To create an inner peace, the most important is the practice of compassion and love, understanding and respect for all life forms. .. "

"... The essence of the spiritual life consists of our feelings and our attitudes towards others ..."

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Typical Undies For Junior High


Green Campaign

According to "National Geographic News" (2003), an estimate by the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States, reveals that approximately consumed each year worldwide, between 500 billion and a trillion plastic bags. Less than 1% of the bags is recycled: It's more expensive to recycle a bag than to produce a new one. According to Jared Blumenfeld, Director of the Department of the Environment in San Francisco,

"There's harsh economics behind bag recycling plastic bags. Process and recycle one ton of plastic bags cost $ 4,000 =: the same amount sold in the commodities market to $ 32 = ".

So ... Where Do They Go?

A study by the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, showed oceangoing vessels together dumped 8 million pounds of plastic into the sea every year. The reason why the world's landfills were not overflowing with plastic was because most ended up in the ocean.

Bags find their way to the sea from storm drains and pipes of the urban centers. The bags are carried to different parts of our land and to our seas, lakes and rivers. Plastic bags have been found floating north of the Arctic Circle near Spitzbergen, and even farther south, in the Falkland Islands. According to the Waste Monitoring Program of the U.S. Navy, plastic bags account for more than 10% of the waste arriving at the edge of the costs.

photodegrade plastic bags, with the passage of time is broken down into smaller petrochemical and toxic polymers which eventually contaminate soils and waterways. As a consequence microscopic particles can form part of the food chain. According to report from the WWF in 2005, the effect on wildlife can be catastrophic.

Nearly 200 different species of marine life including whales, dolphins, seals and turtles die from plastic bags. They die after ingesting plastic bags which they mistake for food.

So ... What do we do?

If we use a cloth bag, we can save 6 bags a week. That's 24 bags a month. In other words, 288 bags a year. That is, 22,176 bags during an average lifetime. If only 1 in 5 people in the U.S. did this, would save 1,330,560,000,000 bags over a lifetime.

Bangladesh banned plastic bags. China banned free plastic bags. Ireland was the first in Europe to tax plastic bags in 2002. Thus, reduced consumption by 90%. In 2005, Rwanda has banned bags plastic. Israel, Canada, western India, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Taiwan and Singapore have also banned or are in the process of banning plastic bags. On March 27, 2007, San Francisco became the first U.S. city. UU. to ban plastic bags.

Plastic bags are made from polyethylene: a thermoplastic that is obtained from petroleum. Reducing plastic bags will reduce the dependence on oil. China will save 37 million barrels of oil each year due to the ban on free plastic bags.

may do something drastic, cut the plastic!


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Elements Zinc Orbital Diagram


Christopher Tolkien talks about Sigurd and Gudrun

Christopher Tolkien has broken his silence to respond via fax to a series of questions about the latest posthumous publication of a work of his father JRR Tolkien : The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun.

In this series of questions and answers Christopher talks about the difficulty of writing alliterative verses that make up this story (with a metric very tight and sturdy), consisting of two long poems on which he says has not that perform most editing or proofreading work. Christopher comments that have been encouraged to publish this work now because he has had more time, since the end of The History of Middle-earth to prepare the edition. Christopher
really concerned that this work is not anything like most fans, since it is not about Middle-earth (although see the powerful influence that this work influenced the later mythology that Tolkien created) and mainly because it is written in verse, with a complex structure.

also have time to discuss why he wrote The Silmarillion as he did: first, because he had agreed to do with his father, and secondly, because they show the evolution of mythology (as subsequently supplemented with work in The History of Middle-earth ) would confuse readers, so he decided to work on a text "principal" that show the essence of the work, selecting and arranging his father's original in which a He was a minimal coherence. "After its publication," he continues, "I began what at first was a purely private study, A History of The Silmarillion, a thorough investigation and analysis of each page and passage in the writings of my father, leaving no stone without lifting, and while it evolved over the years became greatly enlarged in the History of Middle-earth in 12 books, which finally finished in 1996. In this he reveals the relationship between The Silmarillion published and the vast mass of writings of which was derived - but, of course, there [are] all the reasons and justifications for how they conducted the work. "

About The Children of Húrin said that the intention was to publish his father's 3 of the stories of The Silmarillion in separate volumes, and the most complete and "easier" to edit was for Christopher, the story of Turin Turambar .

Finally, Christopher says he does not remember to have corrected the errors in The Hobbit as a child, although his father said in a of his letters that he did, "so it must be true." She remembers how his father sent him the original Lord of the Rings as the writing was, as Christopher was fighting in World War II.

A really interesting read. If anyone is encouraged to translate the entire interview, please send it to us or post in the forum for those who can not read English can read it.

From: Elfenomeno - May 5, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Blueprints On A Small Catapult

You've Got a Friend - Got a Friend by Ilana Yahav

No more words to the art of this woman .... Art
perhaps fleeting, yes .... but what is not ultimately stay in perspective?
The work material is sand, but mostly it's that kind of creativity that opens not only art, but a way of making art.
As a metaphor for renewal toiled while comparing with the grains of sand, but from an innovative edge expression seems to speak of change, like a hand into the sun, the rain can do and perhaps re-do the sun ...
The music certainly is not bad.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Blueprints For A Pooltable

Eco Homes - Natural Building Techniques with Comfort.

most likely agree that the Earth is a wonderful home, those who inhabit, live in it with little awareness that gives us plenty of resources from which, could not only degrade less, but bring with it without losing comfort.
In this sense, there may be an idea rooted in Most of us according to which, we believe that our welfare and comfort is an inevitable cost: pollution, prey in astronomical proportions, destroying and depleting the earth's resources in a nutshell.
Well, some people, more and more fortunately, is convinced that it is not so, that this is a mistake and it shows. They have developed natural building techniques, apart from which, basically, we can say that taking advantage of all environmental resources without breaking it, without destroying it. The video is a window into this way of understanding life. Jorge Belanko is one of the people on the basis of which such projects; is natural builder and teaches courses which teach the techniques of this type of construction. His instructional video called "Hands mud houses" , directed by Gustavo Marangoni is an invitation to seriously consider a new way of life. What we will see in the Bolson is located in the Patagonia Argentina, but in many parts of the world have similar experiences, which takes what you have on hand.

Exite a way of life that basically has the following behavior: enters a body to give this property, once housed, is reproduced indiscriminately until the organism that hosts it dies of exhaustion. Finally migrated to another agency to repeat the cycle.
This is the basic behavior of a virus. Any
semjanza to human behavior rests with the reader. The idea can be found in a famous movie ...

More Way:

* Gaia Ecovillage is an enterprise already operating in the same direction. It is located in Navarro, Buenos Aires province, only 100km from the major port city. There are taught courses and guided tours, even provide accommodation to spend a good weekend natural. The project also builds on the implementation of permaculture .
* Movie Info "Clay hands home" here.
* Contact Jorge Belanko, from Argentina: (02944) 1560 6487
from abroad: +54 2944 15606487 OB_platformType OBCTm